Driving at 120km/h with cruse control on against the wind and looking at fuel consumption. This car as you can see does not have 1k on a clock, so fuel consumptions should decrease, when engine makes it «warm up».
I owed Jetta TDI 2.0 2008, and drove with it 240k with out ANY mechanical issue. I hope this one will be as good as old one.

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  1. i tested at 140km/h and max was 6,3L/100km, but after 150km trip average fuel consumption was 5,3L/100km with cruse control all the way. Also my car is about 150kg heavier then stock due to two sub-woofers in a back, amps, double-triple sound dampening material in all car. So stock car should use less fuel, not much, maybe 0,1-0,3 less

  2. I check if my TDI shows 49,9L/100km and it does. And it`s totally normal thing.
    You are "pushing" a car form a stand still and for that you need some power and for power you need fuel.
    Also can you imagine driving 100km in a 1st gear? it would take A LOT of time and fuel


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