#w204frontdoorpanel #mercedesbenz #removefrontdoor

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so….. getting back to it….
in this video i show you an in depth tutorial on
how to remove your w204 front door panel and…..
in doing so…. access all the different components behind the door panel and…
also give you a brief description of how to remove all the other parts behind the door panel itself
such as….
tweeters..mine have been replaced already hence why you see its different and i dont remove them …because i have hardwired them in…
the speakers 6.5″ dome speakers which are riveted on..so must be drilled out in order to remove them ….
the door latch
the power window motor
the door sensor
the window power button switch panel
the door light
led door handle light
door trims
seat adjustment buttons
lock.unlock buttons
and even the boot release
i also forgot to mention that you can also access the side mirror assembly from here by removing the t30 torx bolt that secure the side mirror onto the car frame… where the tweeters are located

all of these can be accessed once you remove your door panel and i give you a brief description on how you can remove certain parts/components if you ever needed to service them or replace them…..so be sure to check it out!!!

and the most important note is to watch carefully how to remove the top corner plastic push clips which secures the door panel to the door frame …i myself had so much trouble removing this one clip…and you may also have the same frustrating problem,,so i take the time to show you exactly what this push clip looks like ..refereed to as the «H» clip because it looks like the capital letter «H»…be sure to pay close attention on how to remove it… hopefully it will save you from destroying it the way i did the first time round i had to remove it… there are 2 specific way to remove it…. but i show you a way that just may may allow you to save it and not have to go through what i did to remove this…. annoying clip…ive seen alot of ppl struggle with this clip…and after removing it..you can decide whether you need it ….because you already have enough clips to secure the door panel to the frame… meaning you ownt need this particular clip anymore….just mah 2 cents…

i hope you found this video helpful oe at the very least you were entertained…

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mikeyz vlogz



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42 комментария

  1. The best video by a huge margine about unmounting the door panels 🙂 Any chance you remember how that ridiculous clip is called so I could buy one, because I have a little rattle on one of the back doors since I had my back windows tinted, and I suspect they have screwed it up when unmounting as I see how specific and complicated it is. I had bought new clips for them to change while unmounting anyway so that shouldnt be the problem , might be that ridiculous one u spent 10 min explaining 😀 Cheers!

  2. I need to replace my armrest on the door panel. Any idea if it's available separately? Also I noticed that in the OEM parts diagram the upper piece has to be purchased separately from the lower half of the door card. Any idea if these are easily separable?

    Thank you!

  3. As WIS says, I think the best way to remove that expansion clip is as following: Pull the pin out with suitable pilers. Then turn that pin 90 degrees and press into the expansion clip until it arrests. Now that two tab must be released. Then take out that expansion clip with plier. Done!

  4. @Mikey, would you have the part number for that ridiculous H type push-clip? I did mine before watching your video and broke it! I know you mentioned that it doesn't need to be put back in, but for the sake of completeness, I would like to get it but can't find the part number for the life of me.

  5. I removed my door panel and fixed my door Handel. I put it all back to together. Now my door wont lock. Stays unlocked no matter what. All other doors works fine as before. Is there a safety mechanism that keeps you from locking door? Did I miss putting something back?

  6. Hi mate i enjoyed watching your video it was very informative, i just want ask you if its possible to remove armrest on door panel or is part of door as i have changed interior of my car and wanted to dye in colour of my seats to match car seats please let me know as i can not find any info online in regards to armrest removal

  7. Remarkable video — one of the best I've ever seen. The level of detail and care is outstanding — particularly regarding that horrid square clip, the maintenance of the door panel units. Covering the reassembly in such detail was also very helpful, where most videos just say 'now do the reverse, or something similar — but it's not quite that straightforward. Thanks very much indeed for providing such a good guide to a tricky job.

  8. Hi Mikeyz Excellent video thanks. Regarding the tricky "H" clip, on my W204 the clip was installed 90 degrees anticlockwise to the clip illustrated in your video. It took we a while to suss it out. First timers like me — beware of this possibility. After market parts suppliers should prick up their ears and consider supplying replacement clips.

  9. Hello Mikeyz, Excellent video. Thanks. On my W204 I have just managed to remove the tricky "H" clip but only after realizing that it was fitted 90 degrees anticlockwise to the orientation illustrated in your video. First timers beware!

  10. Hello Mikeyz, Excellent video. Thanks. On my W204 I have just managed to remove the tricky "H" clip but only after realizing that it was fitted 90 degrees anticlockwise to the orientation illustrated in your video. First timers beware!

  11. Mikeyz, thank you for taking the time to put this tutorial together. I tried following other videos of how to replace my broken handle and the level of detail just wasn't sufficient. Your 'idiots guide' covers everything and the step by step instructions make it easy to follow. Thank you pal, you're a legend.

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