I am so disappointed…I was expecting a pocket rocket! Stick a 1.4T or modify a 1.6 SOHC into a turbo you'll get much more thrill in your Yugo. Anyways congrats on your car selection. Daring I must say! I truly respect the Yugo so enjoy it!
I hope you fixed the brakes cause standard brakes on such an engine … recipe for a disaster 🙂
Anyways u have full support 🙂 I used to own a Yugo. Actually I am from the country that used to built the Yugos 🙂 former Yugoslavia 😀 so I am sorta of an expert on this things 😀
I sure wish I had the know-how to build something like this. If I did, I would build either one of these, a Ford Festiva, classic Fiesta or Geo Metro with the same Hayabusa engine.
Every time I drove it, you wouldn't be able to remove the smile from my face. I bet it would be a blast.
A di je dobar, Yugo kad je nov bio nije bio dobar, krama obična, blamaža svjetska. Ajde Zastava 101 ili 750, opet su tada imali neki dizajn, ali Yugo, to je kontejner sa kotačima, još nosače kad bi imao, užas.
With engine that light it sure gonna have traction issues. It was like ~850kg from the factory. You should consider better wheels. My friend has Yugo with Fiat 1.3 puts around 120 hp at wheels, and he has no issue flooring it in 3rd. But it's got 215/35 15. So what happened to your build man? Greetings from Kragujevac, the hometown of Yugo.
29 комментариев
Vise zuji nego sto ide 😛
I am so disappointed…I was expecting a pocket rocket! Stick a 1.4T or modify a 1.6 SOHC into a turbo you'll get much more thrill in your Yugo. Anyways congrats on your car selection. Daring I must say! I truly respect the Yugo so enjoy it!
Don't be disappointed, these videos are just testing . i haven't gone full throttle yet. I still have steering issues.
I hope you fixed the brakes cause standard brakes on such an engine … recipe for a disaster 🙂
Anyways u have full support 🙂 I used to own a Yugo. Actually I am from the country that used to built the Yugos 🙂 former Yugoslavia 😀 so I am sorta of an expert on this things 😀
sranje je
What do you mean by shit,You guys made the car????
How did you hook up the drive train to the hayabusa? I'm confused.
You must do what they call- chain drive differential.
Just searched that, thanks. How is the project going? Any new improvements?
žali bože truda 😀 užas hahahahha
koliko su ovi ludi da sahrane hajabusin motor u mrtvog juga
I suppose your not cursing!! Next time post it on English or Spanish.
I sure wish I had the know-how to build something like this. If I did, I would build either one of these, a Ford Festiva, classic Fiesta or Geo Metro with the same Hayabusa engine.
Every time I drove it, you wouldn't be able to remove the smile from my face. I bet it would be a blast.
yugo je dobar, a od vozaca nema nista!!
Vozač zna što on radi, tu je snaga, ali je zapeo
jbt raspada se ko dzezva
Nice work
why don't you floor it man?!
pazi ga dokle yugo doguro xD
Why not install the 'Busa engine in the back? I imagine the install would be simpler and the torque steer would be gone.
A di je dobar, Yugo kad je nov bio nije bio dobar, krama obična, blamaža svjetska. Ajde Zastava 101 ili 750, opet su tada imali neki dizajn, ali Yugo, to je kontejner sa kotačima, još nosače kad bi imao, užas.
You are going slower than original Yugo.
I don't understand why people put in motor cycle engines.The hyabusa is much liter then the yugo
Dude haha..we would have done everything for this car back in old Yugoslavia xD
Kaasu pohjaan.
looks like that black Toyota smoked you. just saying..
With engine that light it sure gonna have traction issues. It was like ~850kg from the factory. You should consider better wheels. My friend has Yugo with Fiat 1.3 puts around 120 hp at wheels, and he has no issue flooring it in 3rd. But it's got 215/35 15. So what happened to your build man? Greetings from Kragujevac, the hometown of Yugo.