Wow! Porsche Macan Turbo 2017 Interior — Even so, this is no 911. Whereas the sports cars and hatchbacks wearing the Porsche crest can deliver transcendent driving experiences, the Macan S must settle for simple excellence. The steering is quick and accurate and tracks straight, but it lacks the reassuring heft and propensity for useful feedback that we associate with Porsche. The brakes are strong and linear, stopping the Macan from 70 mph in 160 feet in our tests, but the pedal’s travel is longer than in the best examples from this brand—and not as pleasingly firm. The PDK dual-clutch transmission shuffles through gears with such cleverness that the standard paddle shifters are rendered largely superfluous, but it can’t completely hide the reality that this twin-turbo engine needs to be coaxed above 4000 rpm to feel most responsive, a region of the tachometer that few crossover drivers ever visit.
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