WOW AMAZING !!! 2018 Audi A8 L Interior S Class #1 Competitor Spec & Price — The only thing that could get better than a luxury sedan is an automaker’s flagship sedan. Both Mercedes-Benz and Audi have put all they have to offer into their flagship sedans, and as a result, luxury car enthusiasts have flocked to these models. When it comes down to it, one has to be better than the other, right? So which is it? We’ll compare the 2017 Mercedes-Benz S-Class vs 2017 Audi A8 so you have a better idea of which is right for you.
One of the perks of luxury cars is their leather interior trim. Unfortunately, the 2017 A8 doesn’t come standard with that while the S550 does. Some might consider leather trim to be the interior staple of a luxury car, but there are other comparisons to be noted as well, such as the engine power and safety features. Get a look at some of those below.The only thing that could get better than a luxury sedan is an automaker’s flagship sedan. Both Mercedes-Benz and Audi have put all they have to offer into their flagship sedans, and as a result, luxury car enthusiasts have flocked to these models. When it comes down to it, one has to be better than the other, right? So which is it? We’ll compare the 2017 Mercedes-Benz S-Class vs 2017 Audi A8 so you have a better idea of which is right for you.
One of the perks of luxury cars is their leather interior trim. Unfortunately, the 2017 A8 doesn’t come standard with that while the S550 does. Some might consider leather trim to be the interior staple of a luxury car, but there are other comparisons to be noted as well, such as the engine power and safety features. Get a look at some of those below.
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