Its all good. Ive lost nothing, but gained knowledge. This was fun, but lets see whats next for this car!
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Cannon t6i:
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32 комментария
Colors in the oil could mean coolant in the oil..
1:15 those are the speaker insulation covers lol
Check out de crank position sensor
Try taping up the intake hose with some duct tape because it might be taking in too much air and suffocating the engine with too much air to start up and idle
Could be the starter man. It probably does have a lot of issues bro, but the good thing is you could definitely part it out and make some pretty nice $$$ if it doesn't work out.
Good luck! Good video 🙂
Remove each spark plug and lubricate each cylinder with a bit of oil. Had the same problem with the e46 I picked up from the auction because it was sitting for too long. Replace spark plugs if they look shot
lacrosse ball, score!
Did you go to the Niello BMW in Elk Grove in your video from last week?
Don't give up son I thought you better than that 🙂
Slap a eBay turbo kit on the e46 lmfao
E46 are great cars once you get everything sorted out mines going on 220k and still running strong.
keep up the good work and looking forward to your next video
These cars are really strong
might wanna try a compression test
those engines suck. they are no N52
If the car has a new battery, why not plug up Carly to it and scan for codes? I know on my bmw you can still scan for codes even if the car isn’t running
Nf ❤️
Just bought a Mercedes for dirt cheap because it wouldn’t start. Took apart the throttle body and cleaned all the gunk out and it started right away. Try cleaning out the valve with carburetor cleaner
It’s sound like there’s is no compression on the engine, I know exactly that sound. But first change the boots and if it doesn’t work then it’s your engine.
What software do you use for edit bro?
You should hit up shoplifetv, he’s pretty knowledgeable about e46’s. It’s worth a shot, but good luck man, don’t give up!
Check the crank position sensor and also there is a fuse for it so check that too mine had the same issue
Change the relays behind the fuse panel behind the glove box
Sounds like it’s not getting spark
Pretty sure it’s the fuel pump or crankshaft positioning sensor or a fat air leak
All I can say is it could be a Starter motor and probably a fuel pump. Fix the leak tho
Engine is toast. That hissing nose you hear from the coolant is the expansion tank. I'll bet it has a big ol crack right down the side. Idiot before you overheated the hell out of it. Those engines don't take overheating well. Toss it
Just use an OBD2 scanner holy shit, there the car will tell you why its not giving spark
Wanna sell it
you should scan first,using diagnostic tools.code will tell whats the problem…
It’s that rip in the intake boot that’s causing the no start issue that or the fuel pump when I had brought mine I had a a huge rip in the intake I replaced it and it started right up
Is that an air filter? Hahahaha wtf bro c'mon
was that m52 or m54 engine?