I woke up to 23 million dollars in my YouTube account and it got me thinking, what would I do differently…
For enquiries or if you’d like to send me something: [email protected]
Subscribe to MrJWW: http://bit.ly/1Q2RWK4
You can check out more of my octane filled days here:
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45 комментариев
Started YouTube 6 months ago and already has twice the better content than Paul Wallace
So you have earned 23 milion dollars from youtube videos?????
Really love the passion you show in your videos! Keep up the good work James!
literally one of my favourite youtubers
When is your next video coming up Mr JWW???
Thanks for sharing with us! I think you're such a cool guy and I love your videos
I'm seriously looking forward to your future content to come!
Greetings from Switzerland
Nice Royal Oak.
As a heads up, what do you earn out of YouTube?
Hi James! Can I offer you a video suggestion? I think you should do a video on maybe the F12 and the GT3 on what's like owning those car? You could possibly talk about the everyday drive-ability and also the pros and cons of owning such a car. Give it from a current owner point of view.
If nothing else it's a visual diary of you, the things you love and the places you've been. Useful for you & and your children(?) going forward into the future as a means to reminisce and to show them that Daddy was once cool.
Keep it real — that is why I appreciate your channel
Curious as to the watch you wear?
I'm a bit late following/subscribing to you compared to your mates but good on you sir. Great content. Until now,you've just been the guy I didn't know who it was in the GT3. Lol. Keep up the good work.
nicely said…btw love your F12 interior
What do you do for a living? I want to be you xD
How did you make your fortune to afford these super cars and luxury watches?
Why not you, paul, tim and sam apply to be the next top gear uk host?
Dude keep up the great work!! Great videos as usual.
Thank you for sharing your life. It's a dream come true!!!
The first video I watched on your channel was when you were sharing taking delivery of the 458 … I thought it was so cool that you shared the experience. Especially the passion you have for the cars …. but I was really hooked when you stopped talking to listen to the sound as you drove through the tunnel!!! I thought …. that's exactly what we all do! … great videos …. I immediately subscribed and forwarded it two a bunch of motor heads I know who loved it too.
I very much enjoy your AP Diver as well as the F12
Exactly… 🙂
Do you have trouble keeping the interior of your F12 clean due to the very light color? I realize you're getting filthy and then driving your car but just from the windows being open, oils from skin, etc.? Sublime spec on your car.
Very nice vid!! You are one of my favorites! Thanks and keep up the very good work!
I absolutely love your videos..you are very easy to listen to and to watch and your passion for all things sports/hypercar related is obvious to see.. I don't feel jealous of your lifestyle but I am envious. I must've watched your test drive in the 675LT Spyder at least 4 times lol…brilliant commentary and you really make it easy for the viewer to understand how awesome it clearly was! Keep up the brilliant work.
When are you planing to share full day of ur life. Regards from Turkey
———————————— nice ————————————
when 's dinner? lol
JWW, what would you say to those who are thinking about starting their own YouTube channel? Just like you, those who also are often in interesting automotive situations that they would like to share.
You are simply awesome
That watch!!!
How many car do you have
Much better than Sheem150. Now if we could just get Your cars, your looks, Chris Harris driving, Salamondrins voice. Haha.
I don't understand
Next video: Why do I upshift all the time.. @1:39 Love your videos man, good work!
English version of Scott Disick? Lol, great videos mate and some awesome cars,good on you and thanks for sharing.
Glad you made this video! It just shows that you are an amazing person. I watch all your videos and they are great.
And thanx you sou muuch for sharing your life and cars
Salamondrin did exactly what you are talking about
what you mean by 23 million $ on youtube? you earned 23 millions $ on youtube videos?
I'd like to see a list of cars you would buy on a budget like the CT did with the price of the new M2!
James would you consider running a YouTuber "workshop" to help others that would be keen to enter the Auto YouTuber world? By providing insights and guidance, pitfalls to avoid and recommendations to pursue? If so, where would you hold that?
thanks man
When it comes to Youtube Car content:
1) Mr JWW (#1 quality)
2) Salomondrin