Please let me know what I should do, should I fix it and sell it. Or sell it as is. I have no choice but to sell it but is it worth fixing thats my question. Don’t want the same problems happening again.
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42 комментария
If you can get it done for less than $1000 I’d say do it. I’d get the service kit it’s like $350 or so. I’m sure you can DIY it. There’s no way to know if it’ll work till after you do it.
If you have DSG faults change the trans fluid
Also download xHP and scan it. The diagnostic is free. Just find someone with an android! That’ll point you off in the right direction.
Fix the sleeves and solenoids. New fluids. About 900$ or less. It’s actually an easy DIY. Will for sure make a difference. Then sell the 330 and get more funds for the 335i and whatever else u want
Fix the transmission, and sell the car. One thing I learned is invest some money to make more money. Even if it means spending about $1000 you’re better off fixing it and getting more money out of the car rather than losing more than $1000 selling it as is.
Why dislikes?
Sell the 330i.
Wide body the car!!
Hey Nour, I vote to fix the problem and sell the car. You need a new project!
I had to same issue with my 325i
How much you want for the 330i as is?
I would invest into it. Fix it, pay it off, sell it for a good amount since you have lower miles. Or just keep it. Since it'll probably be the more reliable car out of the two.
Downloan xhp, run the codes in the tcu, youll need an android and a d+kcan cable, that will point you in the right direction. Probably the mechatronic sleeve and solenoids have probably gone bad, it wouldnt total $1k to fix and you can sell it for more.
you could replace the transmission with a used unit. But first diagnose it.
look at shoplife TV. He has overhauled the mechatronic sleeves and fluid change, it is a DIY issue.
Fix it and sale it
Bro I think you should fix the transmission because it give me and others idea of what’s the issue that we’re dealing with our transmission as well. And also it gives us a idea of how much would it cost to fix the transmission? I didn’t see any good videos that shows e90 transmission problem is fixed and plus your one of my go to for any diy projects and info.
Changing the fluid and filter on the tranny is not going to fix it. I try that ready on my car and still the same. I think if you are going to fix it better change the tranny and not just the fluid
Fix it that's your pride and joy
No because no one will not be able to tell. If you don’t say especially a car dealership
from my mechanical experience your transmission is on its way out and needs replacing as ZF 6sp tranny have a very common gear issues and solenoid failures. sell it as is and see what it gets if you are not happy with the pricing then repair it. have you tried to re-adapt the transmission
Save the money so you can use it when the turbos fail
Sell it and build up the 335i
Fix it! If you spend $1000 on fixing it and make even $2 profit, thats $2 you didn't have before. you have to lose some to gain some
Sell the 330 bro. I get that it got u started but time to move on to better things my dude. Keep killing the vlog game!!
Get it fixed!
manual swap her
I hope you decide to fix it. I originally subscribed to your channel in hopes that you would fix it, because my 325i has the same issues. I believe you only need to replace the shift solenoids and a couple seals, then fluid / filter. I read another blog about it, and the guy did it for about $750.
Fix it and sell it you will get way more for the car
Fix it then sell it after and move on with that build like everyone’s said your a content creator you need a different build to give to us
change your music background please
Sell the car brother !! Transmission problems never go away unless you get a rebuilt box… been there done that. You won’t get the money you think you’ll get by fixing and selling. Sell as is take the L and move on trust me man… Good luck anyway
I think you should fix it because it's your daily driver and then sell it when the 335i is completely finished
Fix that face first girls look at your face first then dick car are last
But I hope you would consider wrapping the 335 Laguna Seca Blue and the roof gloss black. Color you don’t see at all and would look oem!!
Get a junk yard transmission for like $500, do the labor yourself and sell it .
no more uploads??
Trust me that’s just your valve body aka metatronic sleeve I’ve been thru it get it rebuilt I have a guy here in cali who does it for 200 and leaves it smooth and nice
Those transmission don’t really fail mechanically it’s the electronically components and shift solenoids
Also try to drain a quart of fluid and add a Lucas stop hard shift trust me I had the exact issue from 1-2 and 4th it fixed it since the thicker fluid it helps build more pressure that your shift solenoids aren’t building it’s a $12 bottle you can’t go wrong with trying that
78k miles is still low miles. My e90 330 has 200k and runs just fine. Even with a vanos code. I replaced my transmission that had the same probs as yours with a rebuilt one at like 130k. I would pay my 330 off and then try and save the money for tranny and fix it. The 330 is a great reliable car to have as a back up. The n54 has lots of Turbo problems i hear. The resale of our e90s are dropping fast anyways. You might not get that much out of it…
Just sell it
Honestly, I would fix it
I'm having the infamous "bump" from 2nd to first gear to a stop, as well as an insanely hard shift when flooring it when it shifts into 5th. I have a leak so I'm assuming some problems are due to low fluid, but I'm installing a new pan and filter, the mechatronic sleeve, removing the mechatronic unit to replace the 5 seals above it, new solenoids, and all new fluid. Once I do the proper fill procedure, I'll reset adaptations. I'll let you know got it goes! I started it today, should all be done by Monday night. I have watched other videos and read forums and this method has solved thier problems so hopefully it solves mine. My car: 2006 330i e90 auto.