Time for more crowdsourced awesomeness! Read more at: https://devtalk.blender.org/t/call-for-content-studio-lights/1869
Ah! Plus a quick look on the new Workspaces.
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44 комментария
Why is wireframe not a shading mode next to solid, material, and rendered….it makes so much sense!
I don't think that implementing hdri inside blender is a good idea. Blender would twice the size unless there are some hack going on.
I'm actually pretty happy with how 2.8 is turning out. I'll be honest, when I first opened 2.8 with how different it looked, I didn't know what to think. It looked confusing. I'm nowhere near being a pro so going from what 2.79 looks like to 2.8, it's so different. But taking the time to look at everything and tinkering around, I realized everything is in the same general location, it just makes things easier to find. Like for editing, you see more available tools like "bevel", "inset face", "knife", etc. And you can easily set a key bind. One thing I wish you guys add is that if you hover your mouse over, let's say, "extrude region" I wish the tooltip thing that pops up would say what key you could use like it would tell you the key bind is "f".
Can you hide the X-Button on the Workspace-Tab? Right click and remove option is much better.
Where is the workbench engine and what's with the Open GL render engine???
A Blender Developers video and a Blender today livestream during the same day.
hdrihaven for sure. might want to give it a look.
2 must have HDRI's IMO would have to be Blender Institute interior & exterior/front.
Creative commons free materials would be appreciated as well.
dang that's amazing
I'd prefer seeing the grid lines as I open Blender
can they be used in the final render?
Need to something with toolbar. when I activate all my addons it is full of mess. Need or to add in 2.8 build addon called Change Category or to do another tool for blender to categorize.
HDRIHaven i would say will be your best bet
Hey, Pablo! Have you seen the nVidia RTX 20 series? They have achieved the ray-traced lighting in real time! I think that it's a very great new to Blender users 😀
It would be great to have the feature to move from EEVEE to Cycles and auto apply the hdr to the environment image.
It's great these lights are going in.. have you guys considered a system like KeyShot? Specifically the ability to stamp/paint light HDRI lights onto a environment map in real time.. it's so easy to add and work with lights, it's the closest to 'Studio lighting' I've seen!
Also.. I had to re-listen to you say 'Dope Sheet' 3 times, because I thought you were saying 'Dog Shit!'
Keep up the good work all of you! 😛
Great progress. I'm still wondering if you guys are considering implementing a photo editing work space so that we can create & edit textures in Blender? Some sort of layering system would be nice. Thx.
are these going to drastically increase blender's installation package size?
Hey there o/ awesome that they're adding IBL hdri's by default into blender that will be useful for sure! :D.
Guys, I have a question: Why isn't there any Visual feedback when changing from edges to face selection modes in edit mode (aside from the super tiny icons)? Is this a bug on my side? On the 2.79 and all other 3D software, face selection modes are usually represented with a small square dot in the middle of the face. The way it is (without this or similar representation in the 3d viewport) it's super confusing to know if you're in edge or face mode. Any ideas/suggestions to why this might be this way?
When you turn Dyntopo on it darkens your mesh which completely defeats the purpose of having improved matcaps
@PABLO why can i not set rotation origins like "global" "local" "normal" ect, to my favourites menu ? 🙂
it would be super useful to be able to do this.
Please change alt+a deselect shortcut back to "a" key.
Also for HDRIS/Sky texture make sun lamp automatically follow the sky texture you can do this with a little script/workaround already but would be good if this was the default and maybe put an checkbox for the cases when you don't want to set sun to HDRI/Sky texture location. Optimized procedual/node sky would be also pretty cool 😀
Keep up the great work on Blender I'm very excited!
When I saw the video thumbnail, I misread it and thought it said "Stupid Lights". I was so confused for a moment, lol.
Gurublender will love this
when I hide the status bar I need the information on the geometry and the available memory are available .. would be appropriate if those information were put for example in transparency in the 3d view in a corner below for example
Anyone having trouble selecting a non mesh objects such as camera and lights? It just keep selecting stuff underneath it.
For studio lights I recommend using greyscale so they could be toned with color better.
Thanks, I can't wait to see 2.8 finally released!
[ Out of curiosity, which linux distribution / skin / icon set / theme /etc. are you using? Is that Ubuntu? Looks great! 🙂 ]
I would really love to have some Default materials in Blender and some way to organize them (just adding them to the startup file and adding a fake user seems weird) similar to the hdris. I know that there are add-ons for this but they are either unmaintained or really bad and it would be nice to have something official.
1k? would be nice to have 2k.. imho more and more people have 4k displays.. and 1k is a bit dull talking about reflections.
Its Increible the great effort of all the Team and the Community. Blende is the the top. Its possible videos about the animation module?
we need a different model to show off these things than the wasp-bot.. not too appealing of a design
Im thinking a little bit out of topic.
Will cycles can take advantage of this rtx 20 series realtime ray tracing.
What is happening with dynamic sky? I remember it being included in 2.9 and then forgotten about. A dynamic HDRI procedural sky would be nice….. I think.
OT: Any news on video editor?
blender now looks like a professional whole package software and more, having grease pencil and using it in 3D with eevee to me is a whole new level, i think i saw only Pixar,Dreamworks,blue sky studios have that kind of tech ,i am glad i switched in the right time.
would it be possible to still have the normal texture view in 2.78 for 2.8 (should in case your computer cant handle evee)?
It makes basic unwrapping and texturing easier on less powerful machines.
What is the Asset Manager? Is that a reference to BAM? Can someone explain to me exactly what that is? Will it feature the option to use assets online on demand — eg. downloading HDRIs as needed from an internal blender browser? I think this would be an awesome feature — to have all of the community contribute assets to use for free, eg. HDRIs or Matcaps — even materials.
I'm sorry to keep bothering you but I have a feature request that I know would be extremely helpful to a lot of Blender users but I wouldn't know where to submit it. You genuinely seem to seek the betterment of this awesome program so Picachew, I choose you. It would be fantastic if in the new Blender we had the option to apply the final resting state of particle hair in the same way that we can with the cloth modifier, reapplying the dynamics from that state would be great for us that havew a difficult time styling the hair without it penetrating the mesh. I'd love to hear your feedback. Thx.
This blender is the best i ever used but it crash when i bake probs any idea
Hi good fellow, i have a suggestion for blender development!
It would be cool to be able to edit a linked object and individually save it right inside it's original .blend file.
It'd also be cool if Blender was roded for complex animation working.
I'd somewhat really like to make stuff with Matinee or unreal'S new cinematic editor but this stuff is kind of yet too complicated for me while inside Blender, i'm becoming quite comfortable.
It'd somewhat be cool to be able to quickly convert a complex blender master scene that objects that are from linked .blend files to Matinee and the other way around so an artist can get full benefit of both worlds 😀
Right now, i'm making a scene that is starting to be complex. I thought that i could export some objects and link them to my scene instead of having them physically, but if i do so, i'll be forced to use multiple instances of blender to modify the files and i'd then be forced to refresh the master scene. Which i'll probably try to either do or bypass, or just keep my scene complicated and heavy. It's 200 mb and not this much complex at all. I do versioning a lot, i keep track of my progress by keeping old files.
It'd be cool if Blender had some kind of a github way of versioning individual assets and even keep undo history and allow to make replays to review a job from cube to shape to textures, to polishing and to final render. Keeping individual history for models and stuff would replace the normal way around…
The normal way around being to save as a new version.
Somehow, additionally to "save as a new version" there could be "update repository".
This way, keeping work history could become much nicer and lighter!
Finally started to play around with 2.8, it will take a fair bit of getting used to, but I really like what I see so far and can see it offering big speed ups once I get it into muscle memory. One thing though, it's the perfect time to fix a long standing problem with a particular Blender default. Viewport pan and rotate key binds should be swapped. Panning is far more useful than rotate, so it should be on MMB without a modifier.
The main rationale behind this is that we spend a lot of time in orthographic views or zoomed in a fair bit to work on details and have to pan around quite a bit. Rotating the view only comes into play when we are taking a break from the work to look around a model and see how things are going and or to move to a new area on another side of the model to work (though often times this is handled by the num pad and switching to other ortho views). I personally use panning several times more often then rotation. I switch them myself, and have since the 2.4x days, but it would be nice to see it finally made the default since it is so much more practical.