WALK AROUND THE STARS Mercedes-Benz Reflections
1. History TimeLine 1834-1926 Mercedes-Benz
2. Mercedes-Benz Museum Stuttgart
3. Classics
4. News — Range of Vehicles
5. We went outside — SpyShots
6. Technology
7. Active Security — Passive
8. Mercedes-AMG
9. Stars of the Future — Concept Cars
10. State-of-the-Art (3D scenes)
1. Historia Mercedes-Benz TimeLine 1834-1926
2. Museo Mercedes-Benz Stuttgart
3. Clásicos
4. Novedades — Gama Vehículos
5. Salimos a la Calle — SpyShots
6. Tecnología
7. Seguridad Activa — Pasiva
8. Mercedes-AMG
9. Las Estrellas del Futuro — Concept Cars
10. State-of-the-Art (Escenas 3D)
TAEVision Engineering
Some images of this video has been provided by DAIMLER AG
Video Production and Multimedia Development
Design 3D scenes and models
Modeling and Rendering
TAEVision Multimedia — Carlos Baztán
Car Chase (Suspense / Action)
Sad but True (Epic)
City Life (Alternative)
Thrill (Alternative)
The Fray (Epic)
Showreel (Epic)
Run, My Son (Epic)
Planting the Bomb (Suspense / Action)
Another Build Up (Suspense / Action)
Music Composer:
Tobias Grønvold (Free Film Music — Designed for your Productions)
FFM Free Film Music:
Musical adaptation:
TAEVision Multimedia — Carlos Baztán
Copyright© 2012 — TAEVision Engineering
Total or partial reproduction of the contents of this video is prohibited.
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A cool look at how the Mercedes has changed over the years! Regards Paul