BMW 7 серии, что Тупак и Suge Knight были сняты в продаже для низкой, низкой цене 1,5 доллара. Веб-сайт под названием «Moments In Time» продает на аукционе автомобиль с начальной ставкой в 1,5 миллиона долларов. Автомобиль не был в отличном состоянии, так как он был взломан, но отверстия пули на стороне пассажира были отремонтированы.
Вы можете купить BMW Tupac был снят для прохладно $ 1,5 миллиона!
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21 комментарий
I wonder who's gonna buy it!? What if Diddy Did?? :O
If only I had the cash
Why would anyone even want that
How much for the hospital bed he died in?
Amagine riding up and down Las Vegas circus with that ride….
Bumping Hail Mary
How much for the "bullet"
that graced shuge?
92000 miles for a 21 year old year old car is not well used. Thats considered low mileage….
only if it has the bullet holes in it frfr
should of left the car how it was, but greedy america would try sale anything. if you left it how it was fans could come and view it
Is probably in diddys living room
Thats creepy asf bro
if its for 20 thousands , ill buy it now
the day its driven off the lot its gets shot up again lmao!!!!!
Bruh, leave the car alone. Put it in a museum. Just leave the car alone
This shit pisses me off to know end and auctioning and selling his possessions. That’s no way to respect the greatest rapper. Everything of his should be displayed for family and friends and fans to view. In all reality I feel that all of his possessions should go to his family. Not to be sold off.
Also who would want that car? Ppl are so sick and twisted. No wonder his mother was very secretive about his ashes.
I love how they put in the title a cool 1.5 million. Like ok what's cool for anything priced with the word millions of $ in it…
No respect what so a human life was taken at a untimely cirumstances
One of the greatest rapper gets his car sold for 1.3 milllion dollars should have left it the way it was Shame on you all
No bullet holes no buy.