Hi Arthur …i love watching your videos and find it fascinating how you take basically a piece of rubbish and turn it in to a gleaming ready to go clean car with all panels lining up perfect. You are an absolute genius of your craft and thank you so much for showing us how it's done it's amazing stuff…i guess from crash videos i watch from your country that you get plenty of work…greetings from Melbourne Australia.
Hello my friend I painted my car silver and I put a gold pearl on it. After that I found a difference in color between light and dark Can I use 800 paper and return the Re paint pearl only again and then put the Clear coat again . With the knowledge that the paint variability is not from the Base , but from Perle Thank you very much
Артур, если не сложно, прикрепляй в видео ту музыку, которая у тебя постоянно до этого была- how about it, она очень ненапряжная и прекрасно подходит для фона, т.к не отвлекает от процесса и смотреть видео приятнее. У меня она даже в какой-то степени ассоциируется с твоим каналом) Спасибо.
38 комментариев
You are the Master congratuletions
Good evening Arthur good work piece that have been modify coating be on a car or out of a car
Please song name from 8:34
Where are you from? How long does it take to straighten the car. I am from north eastern Poland. I know Russian.
Go Arthur ,
You will rebuild it!
Muy buen trabajo
Bom Dia Arthur, belo trabalho, parabéns!!!
Sou do Brasil, você tem varios seguidores aqui…. Valeu Abraço!
Im repairing a 2017 golf gti and let me say germans make the most simple shit as fucking complicated as possible
Eres un chingon.
When you know how to use your brain and hands….the results is a unique piece of art Excellent work my friend .
Blows my mind every time
Hi Arthur …i love watching your videos and find it fascinating how you take basically a piece of rubbish and turn it in to a gleaming ready to go clean car with all panels lining up perfect. You are an absolute genius of your craft and thank you so much for showing us how it's done it's amazing stuff…i guess from crash videos i watch from your country that you get plenty of work…greetings from Melbourne Australia.
После Ваших ремонтов опасно брать б/у машины))
Awesome job. This guy is a master
Hi Arthur
What product is the best for rear wheel arch stone and gravel protection?
С железом на Ты
I Wonder how much profit he gets from one car
Hello my friend I painted my car silver and I put a gold pearl on it. After that I found a difference in color between light and dark Can I use 800 paper and return the Re paint pearl only again and then put the Clear coat again . With the knowledge that the paint variability is not from the Base , but from Perle Thank you very much
Good jobs .body repair clio 4 please the best
Артур, если не сложно, прикрепляй в видео ту музыку, которая у тебя постоянно до этого была- how about it, она очень ненапряжная и прекрасно подходит для фона, т.к не отвлекает от процесса и смотреть видео приятнее. У меня она даже в какой-то степени ассоциируется с твоим каналом)
Как всегда прекрасная работа! Артур, кого из производителей неоригинальных запчастей вы бы посоветовали( капот, бампер, крыло)?
Еще бы цену на работу в конце было бы отлично
Как использовать l,m,doing needed measurements
Outstanding work as always, Arthur!! Thank you.
You’re the greatest doctor of cars
this guy is other level , cool
Hello arthur. another great repair ! if only you were settled in my country ! My salutations from Algeria
I love this guy!!!
Артур возьми в ученики очень хочется получить пару уроков
Great work. Arthur
Please upload painter videos
watch in 0.25x speed for near real-time speed 🙂
Master, eres un genio!!!!
Сколько будет стоить ремонт?
Amo seus vídeos, mas poderia ter legendas em português…