If breaking the law truly went against your core corporate values, you wouldn't have broken the law in the first place. Resign in shame like the piece of shit you are.
That would be a hard thing to do to even speak on a stage then. I once stepped on stage at a talent contest without tuning my bass to the same as a step in guitarist. Uhmm, yeah. I did everything I thought out to do, just without the guitars anymore. >_< He didn't have anything known to do with his hands, they just did what he knows what to do.
'This is totally contrary to our core values' — so why did you do it in the first place? You threw out the core values for a bit, while you decided on cheating? Sorry, I don't buy this crap, give them the maximum fine and sack the ones responsible, VW. If he would have said 'you want my head and i dig that — i resign', i would have at least had some respect for this guy.
18 комментариев
lmao your only sorry you got caught, volkswagen
The effects of self regulations…
It's funny. If muted it seems like he is presenting a brand new car at the Autoshow.
If breaking the law truly went against your core corporate values, you wouldn't have broken the law in the first place. Resign in shame like the piece of shit you are.
I don't know if it's because English isn't his first language or what, but his hand motions he keeps making are not congruent with his speech at all.
That would be a hard thing to do to even speak on a stage then. I once stepped on stage at a talent contest without tuning my bass to the same as a step in guitarist. Uhmm, yeah. I did everything I thought out to do, just without the guitars anymore. >_< He didn't have anything known to do with his hands, they just did what he knows what to do.
They're very sorry…that they got caught.
'This is totally contrary to our core values' — so why did you do it in the first place? You threw out the core values for a bit, while you decided on cheating? Sorry, I don't buy this crap, give them the maximum fine and sack the ones responsible, VW. If he would have said 'you want my head and i dig that — i resign', i would have at least had some respect for this guy.
"What a crowd" … . As in "so much people in here"? No.
I bet the CEO sold all his shares in the company during the past month and possibly shorted the market before the scandal came out.
Espera por aplausos e incluso los agradece? El tamaño del ego es más grande que el de la crisis.
"CLEAN DIESEL" !! — Since when ??? VW needs a fresh start ! Stop being part of the PROBLEM and become the SOLUTION — Turn production to electric cars.
You didn't just "screw up" you arrogant bastard, you intentionally put peoples health in danger to make profit. It's evil.
speaking of values LOL
Contrast this behavior with Tesla's. Wow, what a difference.
I never forgive, IK it's 2017 but you guys are cunts