This is preview of V1.6 ArduinoMid with 12V back-light
Link to the project:
Supported futures:
Switching between fuel lines (LPG/Gasoline): 1:22
Rally screen: 0:14
Built in radio communication: 1:41
* Multi screen support. For now 16×2 and 240×64.
* Multi language support.
* Engine RPMs.
* Vehicle speed in KMh RPMs.
* Display back-light works with dashboard lighting.
* Display 12V/5V back light dimming
* Consumption for distance and instance [not tested well]
* Trip time and distance.
* Speed alarm City / Highway / Out-City
* Speed alarm auto off/on
* Average speed braking and engine revolutions.
* Outside temperature [needs more tests / TODO inside temperature]
* Steering wheel buttons handler.
* Remote control of radio from vehicles steering wheel media buttons.
* Fuel gauge/switch support [analog detection from fuel switch].
* Car Inspection menu detects critical level for Oil, Window washer, Brake ware, voltage [Todo lamps, belt, and other ]
* Engine temperature.
* Power saving operation [factory Bord. Comp. have energy drain when engine is off …]
* Check menu — based on worked time / distance [Todo]
* Brake pedal as button [Todo ]
* Resolving driving gears
* Sport mode [Todo … luring ECU signal]
* Two fuel lines supported [For benzine & propane-butane … ]
* [TODO] Breaking time detection
* [Additional] Stopwatch menu
* [Additional] Drag racing menu [Todo … Gets best speed / time for 402 maters]
* [Additional] From 0 to 100km [Todo … Gets acceleration time from 0 to 100 kilometers]
* [Additional] Trip distance/time save
* [Additional] Block engine ignition
* Vehicle health monitoring
* Todo more …
Don’t have any time to build some pieces, since all my time goes to development of new stuff/futures for the project. So please donate to the project to make new cool stuff!
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9 комментариев
Man you took this car from 2000 straight to 2018. I'm curios is it a coupe or a convertible.
Wow this is amazing how can I get this wonderful work and how do you go through the menu which button are you using
Where did you get 240×64 display with aber backlight?
Hello. I have wrote You a message in facebook. Would be great if You could answer 🙂
Does it show comsuption in Km/L instead of L/100km?
No radio information 🙁
basicaly is very good
Hi. I'm building a car based on a motor x30xe (omega b ) now. I really need a similar onboard computer to insert it into the dashboard. Can you make an order?
where to order this mid ?
Hello, I'm not very practical with welds, but you can buy it, I live in Italy, I have an Opel Astra G of 2004, thanks, nice publication, sorry for the translation