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This is a Magnavox TV ( 22me402v/f7 ) that had a problem turning on. After disassembling the TV I realized that the fuse in the TV was rendered useless because it blew out.
Why the fuse may not be the issue:
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22 комментария
Thanks for the video. I have a Magnavox 29ME403V/F7 that shows a red light at the bottom when plugged in but will not turn on. I was hoping that I could replace the fuse like in your instructions, but it i don't see a fuse. None of the capacitators are puffy or show burn marks. Any other suggestions?
Thanks, for your reply. I ended up dropping it off for recycling since a new one was only a bit more than fixing this one.
TTY Thxs.. Can you tell me how to do the same with a Seiko tv. it will not turn on.
i have a f&u mini combo but the fuse is blow up,if i replase the fuse mb work again?
hi, my problem is the power light stays on whenever I plug tv in but nothing else works and screen doesn't turn on. Any advice? thanks!
on my tv the fus blow up, I get one from radioShck 4amp 125V fast acting and it blow when I try to turn it on why??? did I get a wrong fuse? or need to be a ceramic
I have a Magnavox 39me313v/f7 A. there is no fuse I'm my mother bored. tv does not turn on and no led light comes on.
Awesome )O_-( Good Video
Can I send you a picture of mine? I'm having trouble finding the fuse on the 32me303v/f7
My TV model number TC-42PC2 won't stay on, do you reckon it's the fuse
I have the same problem but my fuse looks fine. Anything that can help ?
Awesome voice. Shame about the quality of video though.
Thanks much appreciated
I have a 50-inch Magnavox it cuts on then cuts off immediately is that more than likely a fuse as well?
I have a tv that wont turn on straight away id have to hold the button till eventually it turns on 5 minutes minimum is there a solution for this?
The question is what caused the fuse to blow
All you have to do is change the fuse? Seriously? Fuses blow for a reason, you haven’t solved the reason it blew, therefore you didn’t fix the problem.
I have a zenith and the red light is still on but when I click power on it’ll shortly start up then turn off. Help?
Dude whats with the finger nails? LOL but thanks never thought they hide damn fuse inside fcking tv the jerks.. Ill rip this baby apart… all models have fuse wonder?
I have a tv that has the led light on and it has power, it just won't turn on
with my tv the green light flashes when I turn it on for a bit than the tv makes a weird noise and goes back to being red