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for Motzu/Provenzano/Tez Garai/Ricko/Melinte/ERSú and the rest of the crazy guys with BMW e36 who attended the meeting.
This meeting took place near Brasov, Romania.
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40 комментариев
I like the beat in the song
So glad i have a e36 , but i need the songgggggg
Foarte tare.Forza EvL
excellent video less the song. really well done
shit music 2013 video much better
Song Name please ….
"quem quer beija na bunda"
Maybe iam coming next year from the netherlands iam drivin a e36 328i coupé looks like a pretty nice meeting bro!
gt vinng, futura oz raccing 9,5 j
Serious cinematography skills man, nice work.
Music Name : Sango — pra nos
2:00 How my 318is will look like, but with white front and back turning lights
Name of the Rims at 1:57 ? For which bmw are they orginal ?
Very nice video looks like a lot of fun
cheba oukhalwiya
Super videoclipul .Imi poti spune cum se numeste melodia ?
more pics of that bmw pls O.O 🙂 0:23
Romania TUNING!!!
please tell me the name of music?
Cu ce program editezi?
melodia ?
What is the song, wow.
ce lib are e36-le de la 1:55 ?
Music Funk Remix the Brazil hehehehehe
e36 for life 🙂
И мою показали +
si sind schün
huehue BR
q música irritante do caralho
os gringos melhoraram a musica 100% como é o nome desse remix???
ficou muito top!!!!
hermosas bmw..lo mejor que hay. .
Man I fuckin love BMW…
man, why u put a braziliam music?