Many of you asked how you could help out, here is our bitcoin address for future projects 🙂 » 1JswH2HfJGb5wdBsSHLkxeV35HCratstHU »
Thanks to the guys that offered us the chance to shoot this awesome event: GabiSB, Bell16, AlexandruSB
Drone footage : thanks to Ciprian SPW
Music: Saje — Who am i feat. Sabina
Special thanks to Marius & Falken
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42 комментария
Круто! Всегда любил эту марку и люблю! Очень приятно видеть сбор единомышленников bmw e39! Мы с Вами из Казахстана!
1:48 The name of the wheels please
Ce frumos poate sa fie un e39 ingrijit..
Nice WORK… :)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Frumos Filmulet ! Si inca o melodie care o ador 🙂
that´s an amazing Video! funny to be born in Romania too and own two E39 540i´s =)
Awesome video guys! Just lovely and lovely cars. Cheers!
Respect from Kosovo… Much love
Frumos!! Cum se numeste piesa?
Car from my dreams 🙂
Do they have cars in Romania? 🙂
Haha… joking apart, BMW e39s are the best!
De ce toti romanasii de pe aici vorbesc in engleza? Sa va inteleaga strainii?
Piękne samochody i ten krajobraz 🙂
Great. Video, great landscape
Awesome video with one of the greatest BMW's ever. Loved the wagons. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more videos from you!
Cheers from Dubai! 😉
Super Furki
E39 is my favor 5-Series throughtout of the whole BMW 5-Series products, last generation of mechanical handling, straignt, simple and clean design 5-Series.
what is the name of the back ground song???
what is the name of the back ground song???
Respect from Poland 😉
Nice clean edit.
I own my '02 E39 530i for 6 years now. Don't get me wrong I still like the car, but you can't stop time. People say it has timeless design, that it's the best car ever built.. Well that could be truth, but I'm beginning to feel a bit stupid to drive 13 years old car. Especially after BMW released the new 2016 340i M packet, which I fell in love with. I just found myself watching those E39 videos just to convince myself that E39 is not dead yet. It's not working anymore…
Nice video btw 🙂
0:23 song?
Anul viitor vin și eu. Ultimii doi ani am lipsit (rușinică!)
beautiful cars, beautiful area!
Awesome Editing and lovely car 😀
Very good video and lovely setting for the meet. Greetings from the uk
extraordinar de frumos
As putea folosi cateva scene din acest clip? Cu credit desigur, e bine facut si prefer sa ofer credit in tara.
Badass cruise vid guys, from Texas!
very nice e39 collection and butifull country, Sean from Ireland.☺
I love this cars a got a 98 528i love your video .California.
I absolutely love this car and would love its my dream to get one. greetings from libya
1000 like! Done 🙂
where is rust?
very nice vid — even better shots. too bad not living near to you guys. would be up for the next meeting. greetings and drive save!
I can't be the only one who realised the logo on the bottom left is an E46 not an E39
Cand se mai organizeaza ?