We have a pretty good idea what the immediate future of bikes holds, but what happens after that? Here are five technologies we’d like to see put to good use on two wheels.
Piezoelectric Generator Harvesting Bike Vibrations Energy to Supply Portable
Devices — http://www.icrepq.com/icrepq-08/344-minazara.pdf
Magneto-rheological fluid.jpg — Christian V — https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Magneto-rheological_fluid.jpg — Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International — https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
Audi R8 2015 — Falcon® Photography | Flickr : taken from — https://www.flickr.com/photos/falcon_33/16649078228Author: Falcon® Photography https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
AUDI R8 — Nürburgring Nordschleife — TransformersMan | Flickr : taken from — https://www.flickr.com/photos/99644089@N03/13105761374/Author: TransformersMan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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31 комментарий
Nothing on bikes should be electrical, only lights, the art of cycling off road will be diminished.
I'm afraid that we allready have wireless brakes. They are cold hydraulic brakes. 🙂
So, I have a 2007 Tarmac Pro. 15.8 lbs with pedals and water bottle cages and basic Reynolds 26 mm deep carbon wheels. Been my main race rig for a decade. Just bought the new redesigned super sonic lighter 2018 Tarmac Pro (not S-works). 16.1 bs with pedals and cages and admittedly 50mm deep wheels. They made the frame lighter and now I have a DI2 battery in my seat post. H'mm. Seems like electronic tech bullshit and its got heavier or about the same. As for hydraulic brakes which I dot have, I don't want them. I lay my bike down in hot weather in my car and those brakes don't like that.
All this tech is bullshit. The basic materials advancements are great, but the rest is marketing crap.
let's hope that bikes stay simple, it's part of their beauty. wireless everything? what a nightmare!
Yes Graphien has conductive properties but carbon does too 😀 😀 😀 😀
Wireless brakes? Put down the crack pipe.
All this technology lol you still have to pedal the damn thing.
Ill skip on wireless brakes. Thanks.
Yuppie consumerist bullshit.
Wireless brakes are an absolute abortion of an idea for 1 reason MODULATION .. or feel . as in there would be none.. It would be a total disconnect from the sense of feel..
How about self-healing nipples?
Blockchain. Everything gets it nowadays. Bike manufacturers should not fall behind!
so pretty much a new bike thats wireless doesn't need to be cleaned, made from graphene and some other shit
Theres way too much marketing BS involved in all these supposed new technologies. Bikes ought to be simple, long lasting and simple to maintain. They used to be!! Just go ride. Have fun.
Has anyone actually made a graphene bike yet? Dassi have not they have added some graphene but, from what I have read the specs are more carbon. I think its an attempt to make their interceptor stand out from the crowd which it does because its so, so expensive for what it really is.Wireless brakes has got to be the stupidest idea in a line of stupid ideas the industry has arrived at. Mind, if you get sucked into the marketing bullshit then spend your cash and see what you look like at the end of say the Buttertubs descent when they fail. Much happier with cash in my pocket and disc brakes stopping me
The solution to internal cable routing troubles was discovered way before internal routing was thought of….
Wireless means batteries at both ends too…. too much crap to keep charged…. you have to plug in each individual component… what a pain in the ass that would be.
Wireless brakes. . . . Thats stupid. What you gonna do if the battery runs out or it fails.
wireless brakes? Nope.
Wireless brake. No thank you
You mean in the future I’ll have to have a garage full of incredibly specific, single purpose tools AND a degree in electrical engineering to service my bike? Sounds great!!!
A conductive frame might be useful for diagnosing frame integrity though, especially with carbon fiber.
Electronic clap trap; totally pointless but keeps the bike companies wealthy.
@BikeRadar: What the song played in the beginning of the video?
The vocal fry of this girl is off-putting. It's a shame that affectation has made it to the UK.
This channel sucks, always clickbaits you into a list that seems interesting, then wastes your time with a bunch of bullshit. self cleaning bikes? wireless brakes? fuck you bike radar! welcome to my videoblocker addon for chrome list. Bye Felicia!
Yeah I'm not sure that I ever want wireless brakes.
Full graphene bike, with no shitty carbon fibre, has arrived, from Sukhoi. A full tt bike is 5.1kg. That's the only tech I want to see.
It seems like you tried hard to find all the sci-fi rubbish that could be incorporated into cycling. Piezoelements? Magnetorheological suspension? 1-Did whoever produced this video actually research these proper apart from a 1min glance on wikipedia? 2-Why fix something that aint broken?
Save weight by removing wires, since wires are waaaaaaaay heavier than battery and electronics required to move brakes. Fucking degenerative retards.
I want to see BOSE electromagnetic suspension on electric bikes.
Nice one dude