Finally getting to fully exploit the potential of the Porsche GT3 on awesome driving roads with Michelin and Supercars Club Arabia! Is this the best sounding stock Porsche GT3 so far? Hear it here…
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29 комментариев
Where did you buy your sunnies?
Could you list the music as you used too?
gt3 rs…
Can you make a video where nobody speaks, thanks guys
Pussy paddles
Many youtubers play the same song (min 12:40) and non tells who and what it is like a big secret? Even Shazam cannot come up with what it is.
Benz, McLaren, Lamborghini are all great; but there's nothing like the every day usability and durability of a Porsche
Great vid as always but that Mavic 2 Pro footage at the end was really dodgy. Shooting in D-LOG and grading in Da Vinci Resolve is the answer.
One quick question Mr JWW. How did you record the exhaust sound in this? Sounds absolutely fantastic…
Nice one!
From 7.30 min on it's GT3 991.2 heaven!
8:36 and 8:43 Some terrible steering wheel turning.
I guess the GT3 just handles this good you can be nonchalant.
What a car! What a noise! Where is the front reg plate?!
I duno.. I used to watch your almost daily vids religiously.. but somewhere in the last 2-3 months you’ve lost me. I’ve lost interest or your style/content has got boring.
I cant explain.. I’m just not “feeling it” would be my summary.
Massive video on roads i know so well with a car i love so much…
What does paid pro mo mean ? The tyre company pay him ?
Where is every one its so not gumball its more like a blue gt3 advert period
Hoestly the worst video so far mate
Absoutely loved the editing James, keep it up!
You have some of the best automotive contents on YouTube. My eyeballs are happy! Great job Mr. JWW!!!
07:35—08:20 damn more of it please!
I gave this video a thumbs down the second you started laughing.
Great video James. The quality of your videos are just amazing.
11:10 tilte of the song please…
One of the best movies about cars…congrat.
Is not stock, because then is going to sound equal than any other GT3 coming out of the factory, so theres no point compare it to others stock GT3’s
FYI — Michelin started rating restaurants outside the city so that rich folk drove there and used up more of the tires. — Youtube Search "GaryVee Native Advertising Summit" @6:59
Is there Interlaken?
I wanna be rich so fucking bad