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15 комментариев
hi no voews and no comments
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1:20, I came in to get my brakes fixed.
Most of rich drivers is dumb
title should be "Porsche in Russia"
8:30 is a Dodge Viper.
1:12 I would like to return this car
Snow…the great equalizer…
Audi, BMW, Porsche, Germany's revenge on Russia!!
Were was the clickbait clip?!?!
You could name All the cars in the World and Russians would STILL BE THE WORST!!!
Why have that shit music overdub…arrrrggg
That's advice to Russians , you all should ride horses only,you all are late 100 years,assholes.
Never met a single person that drove a BMW or Porsche that had a lick of sense. All pompous rich douche assholes. If you drive either of them, congratulations, you're a dumb fuckhead!
How the 2 women react at 1:17 is classic stupid. And how they behave, later on, when the car advances is pathetic. They must be totally mentally deficient not to realize the best move it to get out of the way. Yet they runs their mouths, look at each other, and actually walk closer to the danger. Then it appears that they both start crying.