Or search @pbjapp on FaceBook Messenger 🙂
My name is Jade Darmawangsa. I am a millennial entrepreneur that that is EXTREMELY obsessed with helping you grow on social media. Follow my journey?
For COACHING on social media growth or branding:
DM me! I might respond! WOoooOO
✧ IG: http://www.instagram.com/jadedarmawangsa
✧ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jadedarmawangsa
✧ Snap: jadethekrayfish
✧ Discord CHAT: https://discord.gg/SqJvPnQ
✧ Spotify Jams: http://spoti.fi/2DoReFa
✧ jadedarmawangsa.com
♡ xo DarmaNation
I’LL LOVE YOUR FOREVER! Help translate my videos!
My Camera: http://amzn.to/2FeCsSs
FAV Lens: http://amzn.to/2EA8FST
#1 Latop: http://amzn.to/2EQdJpq
Mic: http://amzn.to/2Hq4PNY
SD Card: http://amzn.to/2C6UV4z
Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro
MY LIT CAR MOUNT: https://amzn.to/2H7xmHN
♪ M U S I C ♪
Spotify Jams: http://spoti.fi/2DoReFa
Send me stuff!
P.O Box
7640 NE Airport Way
Portland, OR 97238
If you’re reading this, I want to let you know that you have influencer over the lives of others. Stop waiting for permission, an go out there and DOMINATE.
Business Inquiries:
[email protected]
Disregard Keywords: instagram, how to grow, following, instagram stories, instagram video, tips, tricks, secrets,life hacks, hack, get more followers, instagram business,how to make money from instagram, algorithm, build your following, instagram growth, more followers, engagement, jade darmawangsa, dropout, why i left school, digital marketing, instagram marketing
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31 комментарий
That intro is TOO SEXY , your getting really good!
Video starts at 6:47, before that it's just bs
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!! 12 settimane tutte gratis!!!
This was amazing! I really enjoyed watching this! :)!
Please support my new channel ❤️ I’ll subscribe back
I wish she would marry me
Now that I know you are 17 it explains ALOT. Very impressed though
Sub to sub thank♥
The advice starts at 3:50
If you have stomach issues go vegan for one or two weeks, it really helps!
I HATE people that confront you when you unfollow them….
jade i always feel like you're relating with me on a personal level and i kind of like it i find you to be so natural and lively about your composure and your behavior thanks for always adding value
expose Joana Ceddia!!!!
u're welcome we love you to
@jadedarmawangsa I didn’t think this was wishy washy at all. I loved it in fact! I use the Law Of Attraction too. I’m so small still 870 followers but at least today I know the energy for me has changed. I’d love for you to have a contest and pick one person to help them grow, one on one. That would be exciting!
https://youtu.be/9Nu0lHIAb_k watch this amazing video
Thank God ur not Kyle!
Those transitions thooo
You are honestly one of the best youtubers ever. I love how you really care about sharing information to help people succeed and I love how you speak about the information as well!!
I ♡ your videos! Could you please check out @theomnomnomnivore and give me some tips 🙂
Hi jade!
Absolutely love your content!
I wanted to know if you could do a video on growing your following as a motivational speaker / lifestyle content creator?
lol when you unfollow someone and then get hurt when they do the same to you (me, every time)
I’m an au pair from South Africa here in Austin! Been here for 7 months and love it!
If your not following this girl you need to! Being only 17 years old she is has a natural way about her and is way to young to understand people like she does. She Is a great talent on video and understanding people. Hall of fame material when lifelong gain of wisdom is experienced. Unique personality that is very attractive as well. Hidden gem is to follow her on Instagram and Facebook, her lives are good and not flooded so you can interact with her.
Awsome editing.
Tbh I don’t even want to have a lot of followers on my Instagram account at this moment… I recently decided that a lot of people don’t deserve to know what I’m doing, how I am in life and stuff like that so I suddenly just decided to eliminate a lot of people from there. I have been on YouTube for 5 years now but I did make some pauses… Although I am back now, but valuing more YouTube subscribers than Instagram followers. I feel like at least in the place I live, people only follow you on Instagram to find out things about you’re life, if you broke up with your boyfriend, how you’re doing at university,… And I don’t like it. I am still promoting my Instagram on my YouTube channel but I felt the need to eliminate a lot of people that I’ve known from like high school that are not even my friends anymore. I don’t know if this made sense, but this video is awesome anyways!
Thanks for all the advice!!! You’ve been so helpful throughout this new journey of my life. ❤️
I had 340 to 250
I love your personality. It's so vibrant and full of life
Any youtubers starting out that want to support each other?
Great video again, please sub me am a new beginner