After some months now with my V12 BMW 760Li, I’ve began to discover more of it’s strange and not always obvious «Quirks & Features» …
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26 комментариев
Go on then… rate my Doug Demuro impression out of 10…
parts are so expensive..
Impression was actually very good
This is the smallest face lift on a car that I've seen in awhile, But i like what they changed for this generation.
What a beautiful car! And a very nice colour!
E65 was always a beautiful car (I even prefer pre — facelift more). People in 2001 just couldn't get over the fact that it looked radically different from e38.
hi Joel has this 7er by the motor starter hilfe
Why does he sound like the leprechaun in the intro.??
Me gold ✨️
I believe the rear view mirrors are designed to direct the rain to keep them clear.
Doug gone beat om you
I have e65 745d 4.4d for 5 years. Super car. I love this car. Greetings from Poland.
When you buy Doug from ali express
modern bm and mb are much poorlier than this, unfortunatelly, this is the last top quality car…
I'm sure Doug wouldn't mind, didn't know that 760 li had those features, thanks for the video
Best car ever but yes expensive not to buy but now to maintain. Far better than any RR Bentley or M-B. Top of the World.
Surely you could replace the wheel for one with paddle shifters on and use them?
I nearly turned it of thinking it was dougs channel with that stupid voice
Get rid of the straight pipes.
This must be Joel Demuro!
Bruh!!!!!! @2:36 Put a parental advisory stamp on this video .
I have the 740 Li , I really know what u t talking about
you didn't mention the smart entrance , when you are near the car and you can open and close the door while the key inside your pocket
Bro., your voice impressions of Doug Demuro was 100% spot-on. But what was equally amusing was your transition to your native British Accent as i thought you are American and certainly never heard of any Britt impersonate our Accent so accurately. You earned my subscription right away.
I enjoyed that
horrible ugly design by bangle… engine was and is a masterpiece as well as suspension.