Yeah boys, was a great turn out and really enjoyed meeting all you guys, thanks to each and every person that turned up i really appreciate it, like i said there will be more of these to come in the future so stay tuned and we might be coming to a town near you!!
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16 комментариев
Come to Birmingham mate
Great video
Some mad tune name please?
Good video mate keep up the grind
Join carcollective on FB buddy be nice to see the car
My g
There was no 5 door version 🙁
What engines in that GTC? Is it a 1.4 turbo?
Now I've seen this video it explains what I saw, when I was cycling through Long Eaton that day. Doing any more meets?
Will have to go to one of your meets one day mate, be nice to meet you and rusty, need to sport up my corsa abit first though haha 🙂
where was the meet bro
Thought I recognised that Tesco, LE isn't it? I'm just down the road in Toton.
come london enfield a10 banging car meet and unlimted parking time
The corsa owner “ Tracksuit , energy drink and trip to Tesco carpark ahha
Everyone had a personal plate ahah
Are you in Birmingham