For those who couldn’t watch it on your mobile — here’s a mobile friendly version sharing one of my all time favourite driving roads! : D
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44 комментария
such nice content! one thing, i know gt3's sound really good but I i didnt hear it allot. I heard allot of music but not the engine…
@JWW, James, Thank you and your camera crew for making top notch scenic shots of your adventures, and the amazing content. Subscribed since the very beginning and its bloody impressive to see how much your channel has developed in the past months! Keep up the good videos! Cheers!
Great vid mate! But man, you can't pay me enough to drive over that bridge! 🙂
fantastic vid well done . . .gud drone shots keep up the good work .
You should really do videos with salomondrin. his content (not vlogs.. i mean bangin' gears etc.) is also on such a wonderfull level of skill.
One of the best filmography around!
Sorry Shmee…but James is THE MAN!
Top notch quality! Videos like this never fail to impress me.
This is just beautiful . The car, road and mr jww so humble the guy. Thank you sir for this video. This is exactly what I picture myself doing in about 10 years. Hopefully.
is this really your gt3 rs?? i'm just wondering cause it is a left hand drive car
Hmm… Guess I'll watch it again!
If I had one complaint, it would be that there is too much music. I want to hear that fantastic flat 6, not some random music with drone shots
One of the BEST car videos I've ever watched, very well done Guys
James your content is simply out of this world, keep up the good works James !
Your cinematography keeps getting better and better!
wow. just wow.
what an footage…. Love it :))))
fantastic video James, you're definitely showing the other you tube guys how it's done. Well worth the extra effort you put in, it really shows, looking forward to your website starting
8:32 fly by shot…with the engine roaring….epic!!!!
Awesome videos James, now wathcing them on a 52 "HD TV . Can't wait to see Richards pictures
Congratulations for this jaw dropping piece of cinematography! I suggest you do the exact same road with no talk and no bgm, just a looking forward camera and exhaust mic. It would be a pleasure for us to experience that
Seems like a sad and lonely life. Try making love to women and not cars. I promise you you will look and feel smarter!
sick bro
That was incredible! Thanks for the down load. 🙂
Epic scenery, epic car and epic vid! Music was perfect, reminded me the Drive and Snow Patrol Paris vid <3 Please, now make a simple clip with pure sound echo in tunnels!
Brilliant, the drone footage really takes your vids up a level!
Man do those tunnels look fun!!!
planning a road trip from Barcelona to monaco. any scenic roads? or just boring motor way?
Drone footage gone to an extreme!!! He's Mastered the Drone. Keep it up! Best car vlogger so far
Please reply and let me know the exact location of this road. I want to go! :((
Exquisitely shot!
How on earth does this video only have 30k views, i simply can not understand
What is the music on the video?
What a video mate. Loved it from start to finish!
Mrjww congratulations your videos of supercars are sensational deserves more than 1Milhao of visualizacoes, best videos today, accompany you in Brazil, big hug!!
James, i have two major questions that i believe most of your viewers also have:
1- How aren't you exploding with subscribers
2- Will you ever show us how you style your hair?
Like this video a lot!
What was the music first used in this video? Where do I download it?
What was the music used at the beginning of this video?
Some serious tunes in there… shame you haven't linked them up! Your tunes make the vid,if that makes sense?!
Absolutely wicked video with some very sweet tunes and those tunnels reminded me of the hideouts in the old Need For Speed games,to cool your heat from the police… well done either way!
That tune at 7:50 is an absolute progressive belter! love it!
Music name..? thanks