3:03 Exterior
8:56 Interior
This RV tour is of the Liberty Coach. This is the most expensive motorhome that we have ever showcased on our channel. We could defiantly Full Time travel in this thing!
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3:03 Exterior
8:56 Interior
This RV tour is of the Liberty Coach. This is the most expensive motorhome that we have ever showcased on our channel. We could defiantly Full Time travel in this thing!
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27 комментариев
Ha imagine rolling that thing down a cliff, then calling your insurance agent
Inside the bus at 8:32
man i feel bad for her dumbest girl for this job
screw the RV, I'll take her.
i live right down the street where they build these coaches she really didn't do a good job on showing nor the details on the coach but they do have some Beautiful buses there
13:43 did u fart bro?
Eh will smiths is better
Gaudy plastic junk — $2.5M ?? Hahahaha — well someone got rich and someone got ripped off.
I don’t like it !
One day…
Shockingly bad presentation for such I high class RV. Very disappointed Tiny Home Tours.
Poor girl is clueless.
What a waste of money. Camping for the rich lol
I don’t want to sound mean but daughter or not she should know the product names and there full functions especially when you’re asking 2.5 million!
I'd still take a Skyline GTR R34 over that!!!
check out will smith $2.7 million motorhome on youtube. it got an upstair and downstair-more space. this r.v is a ripoff compare to will smith's r.v
I'll take 10
why is the tv outside??? im so confused
Just think in 20 years this will be obsolete and completely out dated and be worth only100k
Is it me, or do most of these couches look like a vegas strip joint inside, with the leds and glossy finishes, etc? For me, with that money, I am looking for understated elegance.
Please give the girl a manuscript 🙂
Unfortunately she spoilt your video by not really knowing the facts.
Yes when i want to be in touch with nature what better way to do it than in a casino!
I'm buying one! Where can pick it up?
i work at taod!! haha cool to see
That floor finish is really awful, look at how much the lights diffract when reflected on the floor, and he's moving around. Also it seems that most cabinet doors do not align properly.