Someone was kind enough to send to me an oxyhydrogen device and related equipment, of which the seller charges many hundreds of dollars for his ‘customers’ to buy. I will be testing the device for the Null Hypothesis.
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Someone was kind enough to send to me an oxyhydrogen device and related equipment, of which the seller charges many hundreds of dollars for his ‘customers’ to buy. I will be testing the device for the Null Hypothesis.
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48 комментариев
Don't be a smart aleck with that stupid analogy. You know boiling water on a stove is not what I'm talking about. I'd like to see the reports your talking about because the reports I've seen and the research i've done proves its absolutely real but more interest and study is needed to fully control and explain the science. We are going to have to agree to disagree but I'm going to give you my two cents thats for damn sure. We will win and you will submit
Is there any cavitation in a pissing contest?
Lets get some instrumentation on those flow pipes, and do some science.
You should all just give up for a moment, and hold the beer steins up high, and offer a cheer to the universe for providing us with such mysteries as HHO to play with.
As one-eight-billionth of the population of this planet, I vote for better relations in the HHO communities.
There is room for resonance, & amperage driven methods in the HHO future, but no room for Bull SH!#.
"I'm a sceptic of your assertions that HHO does nothing."
It's not that HHO as a fuel does nothing, it's that it can't increase fuel efficiency because it takes more energy to produce it than you get out of it once it's produce. Therefore it's a drag on efficiency and not a boost. HOHOHO bubbler fanatics have heard that all before but ignore the physics and experiment so that they can continue to try and sell their scams to each other.
"You think this Desertphile dude you follow is a complete fool for finally buying a hho cell to play around with"
He didn't buy it, someone sent it to him. And he's not going to 'play around with it' he's going to test it. Playing around is what HOHOHO fanatics do. If you have your own design, why not send it to him for a good test? (insert excuses in your reply)
I think you are maybe just holding onto some silly notion that you are making sense.
So what!
Cavitation has nothing to do with making us free from the slavery of "Big Oil" and "Big Corperate's lies", or their armies of trolls trying to keep us from the truth about many number of subjects that directly will affect our world in the future.
Pax, get an ultra sonic transducer, stick it in some water, & observe, do science. How will cavitation hurt HHO in any signifigant way?
Answer please Pax.
A devices technology will determine the outcome, one way or the other.
You didn't really understand my statement.
A modern car has a computer, that will read the "new" emissions, then adjust the fuel air thing-y back to (no benefits for you setting).
Why are we / you, ignoring the physics of harmonic resonance? Do you have any idea of the power of resonant frequencies? Do you know what that field of study has proven so far?
I'm just say'n, don't slam it, if your ignorant of the facts.
!!! +1 Well, that'll do it I guess.
Sounds a bit dangerous. Be careful and think it through. There is a LOT of torque there.
Can't wait to see it!
I bet your results we come up the same. But this is what science is about. We perform these tests to see what happens, even when we're pretty sure what the results will be.
First off, Mr. Pax, I am insane. The sooner you accept that the better. Finding solutions to working together is important.
As a person who drives a bus with a big V8, I really care for a real solution to our situation with the infernal combustion engine.
Pax-man, I've delt with your kind before. You will nigel and jiggle anyone to death over details of no relevance, but one still wants to make a point? A pissing contest, how useful.
What do you know of resonance, or of Stanley's work?
Just a friendly note.
My freind Paxmax
I might be crazy, but by insulting good people's family, to put forwards your arguments Mr. Pax, is a sure fire way to be considered a "Troll" or worse, some kind of "Big Oil" brown-nosing operative. You open yourself up for nuts like me to feel good about hen-pecking at you're silly assertions that you know what you're talking about.
Are you here to forward HHO, or Sh!# on it. Like anyone, I hate a shi##y product. Diss the product not the family.
"A devices technology will determine the outcome, one way or the other."
Wrong. The laws of physics will determine the outcome. If you're ignorant of science, and it appears you are, you won't understand that. It's simple, build the devices you guys keep claiming are possible and prove everyone wrong. Just build it. That's all, just build it. It makes you look sort of silly when you keep claiming knowledge you can't back up, but if that's your choice *shrug* whatever.
First… The individuals trying to peddle their nonsensical bullshit don't even know what the phrase "null hypothesis" means. Last… Before they take a course in physics they should start with a course in accounting. They seem woefully ignorant with regard to the energy balance sheet.
Got one!!! On sale today and today only for just $19.95!!!!
shipping and handling-$1,677.98
Sceptical, but had this idea.
what do you think DP?
Efficiency of electrolysis increases with temperature; ie no electricity required to separate H2&O at 2500C (spontaneous "thermal decomposition" occurs).
my idea is,
Use "alternator braking" to electrolyse high temperature steam, in tubes in & around combustion chambers & exhaust manifold (typically 1950C+(increase)).
Electrolysed high-temp O2 & H2 expands into next burn-cycle, faster, hotter, more efficient fuel burn., esp. acceleration.
would/could be excellent cooling/braking system too., storing energy as H2 & O instead of in a relatively heavy fly wheel.
would work best for cars that do lots of stop starts, ie, town driving or f1 racing etc.
Good for them dumb selves! It will be a phase, replaced.
What that device needs is more screws, the cover might fall off.
LOL, you have HHO advertisers on here
You have the wrong car, your methodology is wrong, your data is flawed, the way you collect data is flawed, you are a sell out, in your own words "I shovel shit for a living", therefor you aren't qualified etc, etc, etc.
You are just going to waste several gallons of petrol and possibly damage your vehicle so that the above things and more will be said.
You should disconnect the battery in each testing scenario, that way you know the alternator isn't charging the battery.
A week later follow up. . . . Hmmmmm
I never calmed anything about my ability to construct any sort of anything. I do however have an interest in how things work.
You have failed I feel, to understand I'm addressing the issue of the computer tech., that is in most cars made these days. The computer will deal with the new fuel mixture, as not what it wants, and try to reset the parameters of the fuel air stuff, to a point of . . . why bother.
Look it up your self. Don't believe me.
I understand you perfectly, you're simply missing my point. You stated that "I'm a sceptic of your assertions that HHO does nothing". Then you go on to imply, it seems to me, that IF the test fails it was because DP failed to account for the effect of the onboard computer. As I said, HHO "can't increase fuel efficiency because it takes more energy to produce it than you get out of it once it's produce". So, computer or not, if you MUST spend 12 to get 10 how can you hope to make a gain?
This isn't to say HHO isn't a useful product. It IS a fuel, but there are plenty of thieves out there claiming they have devices which will PRODUCE hho (using the power of the gas powered engine) and then feed it into the engine to increase it efficiency. This is a lie. Because even under perfect conditions the energy you expend creating the HHO will be greater then the energy you get from that which you've created. These are simple, known, facts.
Wrong. Wrong-ity Wrong.
NO, there is another way.
By the way, I'm glad someone else in Winnipeg has an interest in HHO.
Back to discourse on operating a device on HHO
One of the most brilliant individuals I've come across, now looking into this subject is . . . (his YouTube handle irondmax,) I will point you in the right direction. Please take an honest moment to consider the implications of this work, you will see, how HHO is made with low amperage too.
An optimum HHO engine device, is a separate subject.
"An optimum HHO engine device, is a separate subject."
Not in the context of the video you're commenting on. An onboard HHO generating engine device which claims to boost fuel efficiency by burning gas to run a machine to produce HHO is the topic. THAT claim is bogus. As to building a device to produce HHO or running a device on HHO, that's child's play. It's a high school science project and not much more complicated than that.
"Wrong. Wrong-ity Wrong."
That's what the water as fuel pseudo-scientist say too, yet they never actually build anything to demonstrate otherwise. If only they'd stop talking with such empty phrases as "Wrong. Wrong-ity Wrong." and actually build something. They don't, because they can't. I assure you Desertphile's money is quite safe.
Your methodology is flawed. The always on test does not address the claim that the load the cell draws would produce a net loss. The so called claim that a net gain would violate the laws of thermodynamics.
You need to control the amps of a cell, because thermal runaway will cause the cell to draw too many amps thereby discharging the battery. A car battery that is discharged more than recommended will sulphate, and eventually need to be replaced.
Using hydrogen as a fuel additive is different that using it as a fuel. If you were powering the vehicle with Hydrogen alone, in a closed system, it would not be sustainable. However when you are adding fuel to the vehicle in the form of gasoline, and then using hydrogen as an additive to help burn gasoline more efficiently the net gain is a result that comes from the added fuel, not the additive.
Most internal combustion engines operate on or around 30% efficiency. Most of the energy from combustion is lost to heat, and unburned hydrocarbons that are wasted out of the tailpipe. If the efficiency of the combustion were improved by 1% that will more than compensate for the energy used to produce the hydrogen.
I shall now poke fun at your appeance: Holy beard, Batman! Wow, neckbeard too. I see you are wearing your weekend shirt.
so where is the hho results its been 3 weeks
HHO devices — Now you can misunderstand chemistry in your car, too!
HHO water car is BS. It's easy proven wrong! Unfortunately there are so many people who want to believe they work and won't listen to reason. Then the crooks keep coming out of the woodwork selling their non-working HHO devices.
Yup selling to those who don't know better. And if you are selling these making claims that it will improve your fuel mileage they you are a scum sucking crook!
I've explained why several times and still the "believers" listen to guys like you and BS videos. I would explain it to you but you don't what to hear the truth. Yes i have a hydrogen generator that I have used for a hydrogen torch. i understand the Physics and how it works as well as why it can't provide any benefit to a vehicle. Where are the videos of all the happy customers you sold systems to? Where are they? Where are the testimonials? Show us!
You're response it typical of someone being stuck in a corner and can't defend themselves!
That is a low blow! Shame on you!
That award is not dispensed by scientists. Homeopathy is also a multi million dollar industry, that's bullshit too.
There are members of the UN on the panel, but it is not a UN initiative. But that doesn't matter, you'll say anything, won't you? You're in too deep, the truth is irrelevant to you.
A slight correction.
The alternative hypothesis is that the device increases mileage. The null hypothesis is the negation of that: It's not that it doesn't have any effect. It's that it either has no effect or it decreases gas mileage. I'm betting it will decrease it.
its been 2 months and still no test
Anything labeled "HO" is suspect.
So, speaking of HHO…
Are you going to do anything to help Allen? (HHOinfo)?
If these devices worked, the car manufacturers would fit them.
Why wouldn't they?
I know it's random, but I was wondering if you could make a video of you planking. And just take 1 inhalation of Oxyhydrogen, and say: Gravity!