Tesla Roadster owned by German electric company RWE visited Zagreb, Croatia on its 2010. European Tour. Mate Rimac, young Croatian inventor challenged Tesla Roadster with his BMW converted into VST electric race car. Drag race happened on the streets of Zagreb (please do not try this on your streets, it was done with Croatian police help).
Tesla Roadster 0-60 3,9 sec, BMW VST electric 0-60 maybe 3,4 sec or less.
Go electric! :)))
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28 комментариев
Guys do it on a real track ! We want more data from both cars !
@Paintballerfromhell1 Serbian 🙂
@mptrax He was born in Croatia? So Croat born in Serbia is…Croat? Hmph…hard to belive that 🙂
@CroatianExTc No sorry me. You are right. At that time was SERBIAN ! Sorry 😀
@mptrax Oh man,…too bad Serbs can't continue his tradition 😛
@CroatianExTc yep 😛 anyway… In future we trust 😀
@mptrax Well, we are one step ahead 😛
Haha! Stomped him!
auto ist registriert und zugelassen
@TheBishopSSR and now… /watch?v=nAz0AdiAdtw
@superbura9 When can you start exporting to the rest of the world?
How can I find information on how to build such a hot rod?
Respect, Croatia, home of Tesla!
The Tesla Roadster's chassis is Lotus. The rest is a mix of Tesla and others. This car, using the latest batteries, still does not have a better range than the Tesla Roadster. The Roadster has a 56 kw battery and a 245 mile range. This car has a range of 110 miles as quoted by Wired.
Building a really fast car is not uncommon. Many people have built cars faster than the Bugatti Veyron in their own garage or shop. This car is really fast, but White Zombie is faster (0-60 in 1.8 sec).
They are equal in terms of power compared to the tesla sport, the tesla sport is a bit faster but less than half a second up to 60mph based on calculations of power..
Tesla was Croatian so how ever you take it, Croatians win the race!
Maximize the power output. Sure you win.
Let's talk about your range. Like, 100 meters?
The TESLA is made for distance the drag car is made for no distance.
haha ostavio ga 15m
Tesla was Ortodox Serb born in Croatia! But nevertheless Croatians, won the race! God bless Rimac 🙂
It's already happening, my friend. There have been several deliveries but they're all done by special order as this car is produced in low quantity. But the prices for the Concept One 1088 hpb electric car with four wheel drive is way beyond any of us. Starting prices around $1 million for the basic version. 0-100 km/h in 3 seconds and driving range of around 600 km with locally developed patented batteries. Just google Concept One or search youtube.
Can't wait to see one in RHD down under.
El vídeo me parece muy bien y muy patriótico y tal, pero siendo realistas, el BMW va modificado hasta las cejas, el Tesla Roadster es un coche de serie mientras el otro lleva un trabajo detrás y un dinero invertido bastante importante, no digo que sea más loable lo que hace uno que el otro, simplemente son cosas diferentes.
Yepp. We can image how could be fast is a Tesla Roadster with a 100kg accu pack, The Roadsters weight is 1250 kg with 450 kg accupack. well… 800+100 tryout? 😀
bmws are so lame
ljep bmw od mate rimca ali nisam siguran 2 ili 3 cilindra
lijep al nije ljep ko bmw 2002
the comment about where tesla was born really did crack me up
uzmite model x pa da vidimo onda