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46 комментариев
Not exactly drifting…
please, let chris harris do the drifting…
GT3RS has some proper grip
C'mon boys give her the old Scandinavian flick 😉
The trolley collector at my local Tesco could drift his snake of trolleys better than that.
Did Sam have a go?? 😛
LOL this ain't drifting:)
The m4 just showed all the other cars up. Expensive cars just don't know how to drive them like a man
If you crashed because of drifting would insurance pay out?
BMW M4 Take1: XDDDDDD. BMW M4 take2: Not bad
M4 killed it, did much much better than all the other cars…
12c looks much better than the 650s
Hi guys I have recently made a car channel please give me some feedback
having a supercar and can't even drift…
R8 isn't a supercar..
Do a comparison video on the Scirocco, Audi A3 S line, BMW 1 series and the golf GTD?
That m4 would be awesome at drifting. I wont to get one.
The mclaren is ugly in that colour.
2015 BMW X6 coldstart + rev on my channel
12c looks amazing and sounds better than the 650
Nailed it ! 🙂
Lol @ these dudes driving skills. If you are to make a video like this atleast find good drivers
RollsRoyce phantom the best
I live in Switzerland 😀
bit gutted about the vid tbh. Already seen much of this content from Tim
I'm near from Zürich and I would so much like to meet you Paul!
Nice vid dude 😉
Wow never thought +Shmee150 would ever do that with his car LOL
0:53 Chris Harris)
Idiots. Again proving money doesn't buy brains. Disappointing to see who's being stupid in this clip.
What an absolute shit show that was. In need of some tuition clearly.
imo that M4 didn't 'nail it' at all in the drift lol. You nail a road like that when you drift it completely, not the last 10 meters, when driving in at 15km/h
Haha the Bimmer f**ked them all. And that drift was sh*t for an M4.
Look at the m4!!+
Awful power sliding. The M4 was decent, but the other 'attempts' were dreadful.
Epic! Loved the M4!
at least we know Chris Harris's jobs safe !
Love the cars! The gt3's and m4 sound awesome!!
The Humanity!
Someone teach these guys to smoke those tires please! 😉
Im no expert but they should've hit the accelerator hard while turning the last bend which was what the m4 did. The rest hit it slightly too late.
p.s my opinion
I want to do these sort of trips in AUS and vlog about it, looks great!
Nailed it…not really! Almost tank slapped it actually. Dont EVER go off the throttle with opposite lock, but nice attempt 🙂
whats the point driving a supercar when it cant drift like the M4. LOL and They looked so nervous driving other cars but so easy with the M4.
I didn't see one single impressive power slide or drift or any good driving whatsoever.
Hahahah really? Call That powerslide.