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29 комментариев
I am watching for the corsa
Astra VXR
I watch because of the car and you just good car related content .
What about a 1.6 gti polo ? Theyre nippy and look good. I did start watching as i have the same car but in red. If you were to get any german car, people are going to watch as they are reliable cars and plenty of modifications you can do to fully personalise your car.
Im watching for you the content not the car… Just get anything other than the fiesta st to many on youtube …golf …leon …astra vxr …megane sport …maybe a focus st ? ….I reviewed the 1.5 ecoboost st line …150 bhp ? …..keep it up pal …
Audi A3
I watch the vids for you and the car, got a corsa myself so I guess that is a factor but it would be great to see you work on a new car. I’d suggest seat ibiza, Leon or cupra if you find a good deal, or perhaps a Renault Clio sport or Megane sport?
Keep going man! You’re doing sick !
Would you be interested of a wrestling match sometime
I would stick with corsa mate, iv just bought corsa sri in black, trying to catch.up on things ya, next.job spray me plastics red looks awesome, ur videos and content ur car os great, I would stick with.corsa the amount.of work u have dun and spent on it, fiesta, golf , horrible cars, stick with corsa or focus st line
Mate your sick of the power it happens.. we watch for you bro and interested in mods and quick install tips.. doesn’t matter what car you got but I’m in a vxr Astra and they are wicked, can grab a stage 1/2/3 for about 8k fully kitted out when you get the mid insurance but keep it real like you do and everything else won’t matter as much bro
You deserve more subscribers
Get a GTI dude
Both corsa and your content
Love your videos man! I start learning to drive next week but already have my car (Corsa Limited Edition) But I Look forward to future car meets so I can get the chance to meet and greet you! Loving the videos! Keep up the awesome work man!
I think you should do a few videos on detailing your car, I clayed mine and waxed it and it made a massive difference
Golf GTI
I just brought a 07 plate 1.4 corsa. What should I do to it first in a reasonable price range?
Get a corsa vxr but forge it to prevent it blowing up, you can get a good forge build for £1800
What power you running with cone filter m8 ?? U had her on rolling road yet
Get a German engine car if yr spending that much. More reliable
Congrats on 4K mate!
You down pvs sunday?
Would you ever consider the old astra vxr mk5 that would be sick if you grabbed one of them
The fact that Rusty Phat started his channel before you but you managing to surpass him by 4000 subs just goes to show how well you’ve progressed.. personally I think it’s because you mix up your content well and your more on a level with the youth especially with the car you have it’s a realistic idea, you feel me? Great work KEEP IT UP!!!!
Get a MK5 GTI or newer trust me laddy you’ll love them cars!!!
Love the vid mate , I watch the videos for you not the car and what about a Skoda Fabia vrs ? I drive a Fabia Monte Carlo tech and love the things
Polo GTI is nice