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14 комментариев
Another really great vid mate! Good determination you have 🙂
great stuff bro u passed my hood sort of
Super cool trip. Sorry about your McDs issues, and yes their food makes me feel sick too.. I think they contain too much salt, that will dry out everything! Love your little car set up, looks like it works fine until you get the van. Seems pretty safe too, here in the US if we did that, we might not live to tell about it,lol. Great haul as well, good luck with sales. I notice with summer EB is a bit slower, but i sell clothing, that might be the difference! See you next time~ L
Great vlog! Love the car sleeping setup. If you continue to use it for a while, with space constraints, it will make a van seem like a castle when you get one!. I think the power points issue in Mcd is possibly a future plan for them. Less plugs mean shorter stays and more room for customers. At least that is what I was told here in the states by a manager. Combat the problem by getting large power banks already charged up and still go there! Get a bunch and rent them out to other customers! Crazy idea but guaranteed to work!! LOL
I drove all over the US and part of Canada, slept at great hostels and ok motels, sometimes had to eat at chain food restaurants, easy to spend $100 a day just on travelling and gas that way (if driving long distance). The food is horrible, horrible at chains. I never, ever eat at McDonald's anymore, early coffee and wifi only if I travel. When I eventually car camped, I got 1,000% better sleep on the reclining front seat of my element with a tempurpedic topper, curtains, keys handy and little dog nearby. A young relative slept total stealth for a year downtown at his job parking lot (by choice) in a VW bug, woke early and walked a block to his favorite coffee shop. He loved it. It's great to have all those skills.
pick up a power inverter so you can charge your laptop in your car
Internet speed for uploading youtube videos, Australia problems. Lol. Golf setup looks legit!
Great Vlog! by the way what happened to your kluger?
Great little trip! I've done a few thrift trips out to the Werribee/Geelong area that have been very profitable.
Haha thoses hoppers crossing op shops are like 5 mins from my house always find good stuff in their
Hey Codey, Please check out Tom's channel BecauseiVan. He's got excellent ideas and advice for van life here in Australia. He's from NSW.
0:02 , van with polish beer brand, żywiec!:D
My husband and I do also own a VW Golf and use it for road trips and we do sleep in it while traveling. Our longest trip while sleeping in a car was 10 days (and that was even in a smaller car — Peugeot 107). We have the same strategy as you do whit storing our stuff in the front for the night 🙂 Good luck on your trip!
what golf it is IV?