What an example of enginuity and creativity. A simple fix for a seemingly difficult problem. As always, I learn every time I watch your videos. Thank you.
What an example of enginuity and creativity. A simple fix for a seemingly difficult problem. As always, I learn every time I watch your videos. Thank you.
What an example of enginuity and creativity. A simple fix for a seemingly difficult problem. As always, I learn every time I watch your videos. Thank you.
arthur hello, I made a fluence renault he does not have where the set also equal to bmw tweezers, but never crossed my mind I make an adaptation as you did, congratulations, you are a master in repair services. the purpose arthur where you find so many good ideas to make such arts?
Hi Arthur, We here in UK made almost the same identical brackets about eight years ago a word of caution!, A heavy pull can rip the jacking points out so take care ,regards Roger.
32 комментария
первый ура!!!
Hi Arthur 🙂 thanks
а если её за морду тянуть,то попа разве не будет подниматься на таких зажимах самодельных
Thank you for the advice, Arthur. I'll keep that in mind
Золотые руки
What an example of enginuity and creativity. A simple fix for a seemingly difficult problem. As always, I learn every time I watch your videos. Thank you.
What an example of enginuity and creativity. A simple fix for a seemingly difficult problem. As always, I learn every time I watch your videos. Thank you.
What an example of enginuity and creativity. A simple fix for a seemingly difficult problem. As always, I learn every time I watch your videos. Thank you.
а на мерсе там отбортовка на всех или нет?или только бмв так замудрила
Спасибо, положил в папочку "Инструменты" ))))
questo signore credo sia il miglior riparatore di carrozzeria al mondo
excellent bud
My friend arthur you are a genious waow i like this video
привет Артур сегодня подумал только что то видео нет. Лайк как всегда. Алексей Астрахань
arthur hello, I made a fluence renault he does not have where the set also equal to bmw tweezers, but never crossed my mind I make an adaptation as you did, congratulations, you are a master in repair services. the purpose arthur where you find so many good ideas to make such arts?
i want work with you kkkkkkk but im from brazil!!!!!
все же автокар прав про бмв…
Hi Arthur, We here in UK made almost the same identical brackets about eight years ago
a word of caution!, A heavy pull can rip the jacking points out so take care ,regards Roger.
this man is great he makes body repairs look so easy, engineering skills also…
Виталий с Каховки это уже делал
hii arthur im from israeil you the bist
You're genius , skilled pro
Артур, привет! Спасибо за видео. Астрахань следит))).
i will like to work with you , you have good ideas
Спасибо! ))))
Great metal finish old school panel beater separate men from the boys 🙂
hello from chile sudamerica ,best job master
Спасибо вы молодец не каждый расскажет про свои секреты работы
Do you buy these cars out of the auction wrecked then fix them up and sell them? Are do you do work for a car company and fix them up for them?