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29 комментариев
Does anyone know why Youtube changed to REWIND an hour ago, in the top left corner of my screen,,by the red and white logo..?
Please don't put all Christians into a big pot of judgemental hyprocracy. The real students of Jesus Christ know that we don't know the methods or reasons events unfold as they do. You asked in a previous video if I believe my God would make His children suffer with the evil ones, too. Simple answer is yes. We all serve His will. Good, bad and ugly. But please believe me…as a child of Christ, my heart and soul screams in agony for the "homos and rich people" just as it does for the "meek and the simple". God's judgement is coming in all of us. No one is exempt. I don't claim to understand or even agree with His wrath, but I don't have to. As a child I don't need to be privy to His judgement. But as a human being I do grieve for ALL the people hurting. Please don't take the idiocy of some and lump the rest of Jesus' children as heartless bigots. Some of us do care. Deeply. We are all sinners. We all fall short of the glory of God. But that's why Jesus came as a man and died as a man. His precious blood covers us all who accept it. I pray for you all to find and accept the Grace that He offers.
I hate to say it, but not everybody will wake up. Many come across as mere programs, nobody at home there. No matter what you can show or prove, it never dawns on them. To me, they feel like operating programs of the construct at risk of glitching, if you keep talking to them. A distraction to our own development. In that sense, it is futile to keep trying. That does not mean your videos are futile. I have just given up on the programs, it's not meant to happen, a key part is missing. Soul-Less
Google gives you the bs first or who has paid the most for their sites pop up first. Noticed this years ago when my keywords in no way matched that links I got, was having to go to page 10+ to even find a variety but it has been proven that the results are skewed as to how google wants them displayed and by highest bidder. It sucks but most all search engines work this way now no matter the traffic to websites or the key words, they give you results for what they want you to see
i been using pale moon and duck duck go search engine and not having any issues… YET.
I hope these links help you
Hi, Thank you very much and you are very much appreciated by me.
Yes, our searches on google are fraudulent! They put pages and pages of the main stream news articles on these tragic events, when I am trying to find the "real truth" from someone other than "known liars".
Real truth channels are buried in the search, naturally.
RFB has around 10,000 views on his "live podcast" today with Nicholson and Patch and only 68 comments??? Very, very unusual.
Nicholson is showing his face for the first time EVER, that I am aware of. I don't think it's the same guy! Voice matches, but I think we know they have the Tech to make it seem real. (Does this guy today look 49-50 years old?- not to me)
Just a few channels that I "Trust" anymore Carole, and you are one of them. Love and Blessings + thank you again 🙂
Carol I talk about this all the time. Many walk around as adult children-adult body with a child like mind. why can't they see that the govern-mental is not for them, when? it is within me to rely on me can't trust much out side of me. But I know what you mean its so sad and its just a matter of time before its at our front door literally. take care
Re: Why Santa Rosa burned?
I did go to the Lord in prayer and I was shown that the people there needed to repent.
I am not encouraging people attacking Bel Air with calls of redemption, but instead asking people to 'pray' for people's redemption there.
Worked for Florida (note they were 'not' destroyed by weather warfare, much to the elites chagrin, as noted by their trying to get people to 'believe' widespread devastating in Florida while there was little to none. They were surprised by God's changing their planned outcome in Florida). God showed me that they repented prior to the storm hitting there. It works, ie. God's salvation.
Re: Why DEW usage on USA now?
The Marriage Feast of the Lamb did occur, Oct. 31st which ended God's mercy and grace over this land, except for true Christians (those with Jesus in their hearts, alone). Leaves millions of people out of God's light. They have therefore lost their ability to deal with these issues now directly with God.
DuckDuckGo pulls up many pages about this topic, 'tom bearden scalar weapons' ( it appears).
You really have it out for Christians huh?
we can't get info from google or anyone and info we have isn't accepted by anyone with power to arrest treasonous government and military that's killing us with weapons of mass destruction. agenda 21 means depopulate. it's happening now. it's legal, they said so Use GMonster sucks it badly!! It is like the cookie monster only it eats all of the useful and relevant information not cookies….actually it probably leaves cookies behind!!
"For our very survival, it is absolutely imperative that informed citizens be aware of this dramatic change, which is just now starting. The powerful new science and engineering must be controlled and used for humanity's benefit, not its detriment. Else it will eventually be let loose unrestrainedly, to destroy all life on earth — a possibility indicated by Nikita Khrushchev in 1960." — Bearden
I hope that you have invested in some anti radiation and anti EMF fabric shielding. to help block out some of the radiation?
The Great Culling has long since begun. The Psychos-In-Charge are aiming for destruction of all life on Mother Earth as they detest The Creation of Almighty God. It really is that simple.
Using Google Advanced Search usually shows more accurate results, and also look through the "images" tab of your search and you'll find different result, plus SEE images/documents pertaining visually to your search:
I had a conversation recently with a guy I thought might be open minded. I mentioned 9/11 and he immediately said, ‘I don’t want to hear anything about that.’ He then parroted the official Bush version with some embellishment to me as if it was beyond any doubt. The official version has been debunked thousands of times all over You Tube. It is disgusting, dishonest, and immoral to parrot lies. Depressing.
I agree I can't help it to get angry devastating to see how people are super ignorant, wen shit hits the fan I wana see there faces wen it's to late wake ur asses up, sorry scuse my language
It's ignorance and Conventional Thinkers Free Thinker not Conspiracy Theorist problem trying discussion Adult Topics Advance Technology based Military. Duck Duck go. AI Alogarithm. Cloud Seeding. Moisture Cloud.
They only make it rain in areas with ample surface water so they can flood those areas out, like Florida, coastal Texas and Puerto Rico. In arid regions they dry things up. Gotta work with what you have….
Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt About EMF Dangers
Mercola yt
I live in east Ventura and seeing the Chemtrail skies here is business as usual… But, the days leading up to the fires I did notice They were spraying the skies extensively heavy, as well as the frequency cloud formations thick by evening. It caught My attention and made Me upset before the fires 'cause the winds were blowing that crap all over & and They deliberately spray a lot proceeding wind in the forecast, at least here in Ventura.
Carol, I just wanted to let you know Startpage has ALWAYS used Google's search engine. the ONLY difference is Startpage does not track your IP address. This is why you get the same search results with both.
How many people have to tell others over and over again that something isn't right before they listen.How many times over the past decades have people tried to tell people something was happening and they didn't believe them only to find out later that it was true.
yupi agree i grew up in central california and now live in northern califronia and we are having the identicle winds from nevada as socal is….so how can our winds and gusts be identicle to socal santa ana winds when up here they are called diabl winds ?the wind is blowing across all of california we had part of our roof peel off and our porch swing blew across the deck which normally takes 2 people to move..we have never had wind that strong before do that and these winds up in butte county as well as socal arent normal
the fire are in straight lines up hillsides the fires are strategically placed to burn into the cities and overwhelm the areas with utmost perfect conditions to continue such a fire being pushed into the cities now the media made up a new term and explanation for these fires calling them ember storms …..embers travelling up to 4 miles starting things on fire….and people believe it they actually believe the winds caused these fires….its insane people would believe that!!!!!!