Last videos I posted were on July 12th. And since then, just weeks and weeks of superb driving. Like the guys at the chicane at the beginning of the clip, and the grey BMW at the end.
Hey — that’s nearly 2 months, mile after mile of friendliness and courtesy.
Aye — but it had to come to an end, I suppose.
I was riding solo on the tandem today — handlebars are a lot wider, handling’s different, and you need to take a bit more space to weave round the potholes and stuff.
1. First MGIF failed pass — he’s within 6 inches of my handlebars. Cyclist behind says he nearly caught the back end and handlebars, because he pulled out too late.
2. Second pass — 9-12 inches clearance.
3. Third pass — bearable; maybe a couple of feet, but still too close. Ah — but this time I get the indicator to say I should be cycling in the gutter? I take that to mean the first two overtakes weren’t just incompetence — they were deliberate. The numpty was trying to teach me a lesson — with a ton of steel.
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Driving like that has the benefit of making it even less likely that I would ever drive a car again without a very good reason.
A classic MGIF!
@dronespace thats a cool catch phrase
Highway Code Rule 153
Traffic-calming measures. On some roads there are features such as road humps, chicanes and narrowings which are intended to slow you down. When you approach these features reduce your speed. Allow cyclists and motorcyclists room to pass through them. Maintain a reduced speed along the whole of the stretch of road within the calming measures. Give way to oncoming road users if directed to do so by signs. You should not overtake other moving road users while in these areas.
Ho hum — somebody's filed a privacy complaint. Ashamed of your driving perhaps?
Police, they clearly want to be.
Well to be fair you are riding in the middle if the lane aren't you. I don't blame the car for coming so close to you because you're nowhere near the kerb. Cyclists don't pay road tax it's our road tax that gets spent painting you poxy lanes because you're so daft you don't know rules of the road. You don't need a license, tax, insurance or even a bit of knowledge about the road you can ride at any age too, how can you possibly think you have the right to the road over cars. Getoffyourhighhorse.
So stop crying about being treated unfairly by cars because you're the ones riding on a two wheel metal piece of crap with nothing but a helmet to protect you, we have to look out for you and make sure you don't get harmed because you're idiots???? all the time you spend uploading these sort of vids you could spend learning the rules of the road. Pleb.
Oh lordy — where does one start with such ignorance.
I know — let's be fair! So ……….. cyclists may use the whole lane. Get over it!
The two wheeled piece of crap that I ride is probably worth far more than your pathetic shitty chavvy heap Michael Mills. By the way most cyclists also drive and we're far better on the roads than you'll ever be. Please run along now as I hear the benefits office closes shortly and you'll be late for picking up your giro.