This is just a short video response to a comment I received, where a viewer was asking how I got the power wire for my amplifiers through the firewall in my car.
There is a rubber grommet on the passenger side, towards the center, that you can poke a hole through. No need to drill any new holes, just get yourself a metal clothes hanger and straighten it out.
Secure one end to the power cable, and then push the other end through the rubber from inside the car out into the engine well. Then go around and pull the wire through from the other side. It will seal itself.
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24 комментария
is this on an si or a regular 2 door coupe?
@ixninja680xi 2 door coupe
I have a 2001 Honda civic LX, I am getting a sub and have been looking for a way to get my power wire through, would it be the same for me, I saw the wires running through but it doesn't look exactly the same as your's in the video.
@legogunguy001 It may not be identical, but it will be the same idea. You can almost always piggyback on existing wiring routes. There will be a similar grommet in your firewall as well to allow wires to run through.
@RageOfOrder Ok thanks for the reply, I got my sub working but you video helped me so thanks.
Sorry, no idea =/
what is car firewall anyway?
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I've been look for a way to do this for about a month now! Really appreciate your explanation and video
You're welcome! Glad I could help 🙂
How did u get the carpet up? My accord has a plastic thing holding it down
There was nothing holding mine down. Maybe the previous owner did something?
Thanks man! the video really helped, i was about to drill through, saved me a big trouble!!
do you think hole is at same location on right side driven (british) civic?
p.s. have battery and other components at same side as yours
Do you know if ALL cars have this grommet?
I don't mean in the same location, but in general, because I have a 2001 KIA optima and I can't seem to find the grommet, I took apart everything in the "kick" area on the passenger side and the driver's side, it looks like the wires actually go through a hole cut in the metal (no grommet) and that hole runs through the side panel of the car, then they come out next to the battery and connect to the fusebox, then battery.
This car seems to be.. (cont)
… one of those cars that are very annoying to do installs in, to replace the speakers in the back ledge I would literally have to take the metal parts of the car out, there is a little piece of a bug of something sitting on the speaker cone and it rattles but to remove it I have to rip the whole car apart (LOL)
You gave me an idea, I wasn't able to guide the wire through by pushing it, so im going to try to use a coathanger as a straight guide through the hole, it is so close but yet so far!
This is the last obstacle I have to pass to install everything properly, and it is irratating that all I have to do is just guide the wire through the hole, but it is impossible to get to it and guide the wire through.
Thanks, this was really helpful!
Would this work with a '97 honda accord??
This didn't help me on a 2002 altima
I wish you showed us you actually pushing the hanger through. Got the hanger going but the wire won't go. Then again this is a pretty badass grommets in a 2010.
im you want an easier way to run power cable for an amplifire checkout my channel and its also for a 2002 honda civic ex
you can watch it here.
i'd sure be checking under the floor mat after a heavy rain to make sure that grommet wasn't leaking..