Hello Everyone and welcome back to the channel.
In this video, I will be replacing the infamous Main Crank Pulley. These are harmonic balancer pulleys which means that the outer section of the pulley is rubber mounted to dampen vibrations from the engine. This unfortunately means that they are a service item with a finite life. They will normally fail after around 120,000 miles in my experience but the replacement isn’t hugely difficult, just a little time consuming.
Along with the pulley, I will also be replacing the tensioners, belts and idler pulley as it makes sense to do it at the same time.
As described in the video, the length of the main belt will be determined by whether or not your car has Dynamic Drive or not. If it does then you will require the slightly longer 2160mm belt, if not then make sure to get the shorter one.
I hope that you enjoy the video, all tools and parts that I utilised in the video can be found at the links below.
Engine locking tools, these are suitable for a wide range of engines and also happen to fit the M57 in the video.
Main Pulley
Idler Pulley
Tensioner Wheel
Main Serpentine/Aux Belt
Air Con Stretch Belt
Stretch Belt Removal/Fitting Tool
All links to products are affiliate links for which I will receive a small commission on any purchase made, at no additional cost to you.
I hope that you enjoyed this video.
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23 комментария
Good video, just too much unnecessary talking, and repeating the same things sometimes. could have made the video in half the time.
If you was unscrew the 4 bolts before the belt and car is on gear. You don't need this tools for crank 🙂
Just wondering what socket you used to turn the crank as it has the 4 bolts in the centre?
Cheers for making the video, I was struggling to lock off the crank on my 335d.
Is it completely necessary to replace the tensioner after Crankshaft pulley failure? Thanks in advance.
If I only want to crank the shaft clock wise (without that locking pin in the back) so that I can remove the AC compressor belt (instead of taking out the entire pulley), do I need some kind of special tool to spin the crank shaft? Since there are four pulley bolts, is it safe that I crank it using only 1 of the 4 bolts? The ISTA doesn't talk about it.
Hello Sir, is it a good idea to buy a bmw which has just been replaced crankshaft pulley? The previous owner selling it just after the replacement? A bad pulley can do further damage to engine or timing chain? Thanks
Can I actually lock the engine with high gear keeping belt on and undo the bolts then without having to use the tool and to it same way when torquing new pulley? Thanks
if 8mm is the diameter of part of the tool that inserts into the flex plate what is the diameter of the section than mates the bell housing hole??
Hi do I have to get the 120 deg turn perfect on every bolt as I don’t have a degree tool ?
Hi, are the screws tightened to 40 nm? and that's it ?
A big thank you sir!! The 8MM Bolt tip was a winner from you!! I could fix it myself for 200€ instead of paying 1115 for the mechanic! If i lived close to you I would invite you out for drinks until we got wasted!
I followed this too a tee. All went well until I turned the car on and the pulley is either bent or not balanced. On tickover the car has a noticeable shake which wasn’t there prior to failure. Disappears with a few hundred rpm. But something ain’t right on mine. I suspect the pulley is out of balance?
Great video, I collect my replacement crank pulley tomorrow so will be starting this job very soon
Hi, is it possible that a broken pulley is causing the gearbox, DSC and Driver Airbag Safety System to fail? Apparently, due to poor charging caused by a worn pulley, the BMW e65 catches such errors? My E65 is also 3.0d but 2003
I'm struggling to remove the fan because engine keeps turning over as I'm pulling the wrench
my e60 535d shredded both belts after 200000 miles last week lol,this is by far, the very best,clearest most informative video i have seen,absolutely first class,ordering my parts today,many thanks
Great video. Nice one.
Exellent job
Can you stick a compact airgun in there? Thanks
Great video, thank you.
I think the M57 330D has the 5-ribbed 2060mm Serpentine Belt.