300 LIKES and ill let you guys know what Burger tuning is sending me. Not everything but some, gotta surprise for you all very excited. #SAVEABMW
Needed Parts:
Rear Trunk Taillight
2008 E90 CCC System
Left Rear Door
Left Rear Door Panel
Right Front Door Trim
Center console
Trunk Carpet
Trunk Fabric Pieces
E90 Steering Wheel
Front LCI Hood
Rear Seats
Drivers Seat
Door Panel
Rebuilding BMW 335i Involved In Gun Fight! Part.6
Copart Build
Euro Elite Decals: http://elnadi.bigcartel.com/products
Cannon t6i: http://amzn.to/2zYxRAP
DSLR Stabilizer: http://amzn.to/2zUVudr
GoPro: http://amzn.to/2iId9Rx
GorillaPod: http://amzn.to/2gKdheN
50mm lense: http://amzn.to/2iFoNMJ
18-55mm lense: http://amzn.to/2gJtT6k
Follow to keep updated with future plans
● Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/nourhummadi
● Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nour_hummadi/
● Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nour.hummadi
● Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117376280670499851713
●Outro Song name: G4SHI — Armor4Sync
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39 комментариев
Nou nice jon wit the bmw y have one to …y have 4 dor panel and back seats but is not black ist beige
I had the same thing happen when I had my valve cover fixed. I made it 100 miles to the mountains before mine smoked I freaked out hard core. I'm so impressed with your work on this 335i.
This 335 is coming along nicely man you guys should be proud of yourselves not everyone can do this
Where did you get the decoder at
I had my valve cover gasket done at the dealer and after they gave it back I was driving home and a huge amount of smoke came out of my exhaust, turns out it was just the remaining oil same thing prob happened with your brothers car.
I was gonna get rid of my 335i but watching these videos make me wanna keep it lol
How did you get the door allignment flush
Slap tint on it! Not gonna mess with you. I live in east bay Brentwood, most assholeish cops ever ahaha, if that’s even a word, Otherwise they do not mess with me (limo tint). Don’t know how Elk Grove cops are tho……
ARAB STYLE baby. Your giving a new life to this bimmer good shit my dude !!
nice to see it coming together well
14:46 didn’t say no homo
love the videos bro. keep it upppp
Why don’t you just a m3. I have a m3 and smoke anything on road while fucking their bitches
I have a shirt that say work less and always flossing on broke bitches
You should put a new outro … e90 335i ♥️
Just a heads up the black window trim that you want to swap out bends super easy and becomes a pain to put in so be careful if you swap them . trust me i learned the hardway .
Use my #famcode u9kjv to sign up fam·ly and claim $1 now.
Dude i love your channel now. I haven’t kept up with a series of episodes since dragon ball lmaoo. But really lmk if you ever need help I’ll be happy to come and help and get to meet you dude. I’m starting a channel on tutorials after seeing all these videos
You talk to much
Respect on your hard work. Excited to watch this build!
loving this project series 🙂
Great video Nour haha, enjoyed it.
hey what code reader/scanner do you recommend for the price?
Please don’t say “on fleek” you a grown ass man
When you blow up from these builds make sure you take care of that guy he helped you a lot
Some codes can’t be cleared and you do have to drive the car a few hundred feet for them to clear once the issue is fixed. Such as after you disconnect your battery a lot of the time you get a break warning light that will not turn off until you drive it.
Where do you get the wrap from
You should do a non-color change wrap, in my opinion it would look cleaner but it’s you’re car bro make it how you like it and enjoy it g❗️
can we get a price for the whole build as it stands?
What did you use to clear the codes please
Tbh, this has been my favorite channel to watch lately. Better than adam lz and tj hunt. Love the new content and good ideas!
You alqoushnaya lol?
i dont think you should wrap it but obviously its your choice lol
You should make all lists black instead of chrome chrome looks so bad
I just put the 300th like on 🙂
Wait, how are you buying straight from copart in California?
"over exaggerating" is redundant, just sayingggg. Great video as always!
I’m Near Elk Grove. Have an e92 335 and S13 sr20. Tryna meet up