Thank you guys so much for all the support on this channel. If you guys donate anything from the list below, your social media will be featured on the back of my car permanently as a supporter of the build. #SAVEABMW
Needed Parts:
Rear Trunk Taillight
2008 E90 CCC System
Left Rear Door
Left Rear Door Panel
Right Front Door Trim
Center console
Trunk Carpet
Trunk Fabric Pieces
E90 Steering Wheel
Front LCI Hood
Rear Seats
Drivers Seat
Euro Elite Decals:
Cannon t6i:
DSLR Stabilizer:
50mm lense:
18-55mm lense:
Follow to keep updated with future plans
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●Outro Song name: G4SHI — Armor4Sync
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34 комментария
I could watch this without any pause until the finish. Its so nice!
Keep up the work:)
Please go drive the car a little bit before jumping to conclusions that codes haven’t reset. Some codes go away after you drive for a minute especially after having the battery disconnected. The brake light won’t turn off until you drive it. Same with tire Pressure sensor. It needs to be driven for a minute to reconnect.
Also, you probably have run flat tires and that’s why you didn’t notice the flat.
Drive car a mile or 2 and see if codes reset don’t just clear them
Try turning the steering wheel all the way to the left and turn it all the way to the right that should reset some lights
If it were me and I had that 330i, I would part that car out and swap it over to the 335i. But I know that the 330i your baby.
Try and get Ista D for diagnostics. Cheap and easy.
Reset service from cluster.
CIC is way better then CCC.
Really dislike this channel now. Using way to much music with language and just annoying to me, and just not much content. I liked the old videos way more
Your doing great… hope I get mine up and running soon…
I got a driver and passenger seat all black off my e92 335is if you wanna buy them
I have stock wheels for you. if you need it.
hey man which rear tailights do u need i have a tinted set with one untinted and want to get new ones
love these videos man i swear like everyday i hop on yt after work and get so hype when i see this pop up in my sub box hahah keep it up man
Hey man super excited for you to join the n54 club. These cars are super super fun. Couple things on probably wanting to check out. High pressure fuel pumps are notorious for going out. You'll probably want to change your spark plugs, fuel injectors and coil packs. Upgrade charge pipe. Look into getting a walnut blast done as well. A lot of these things are DIYs but you'd want to get all these things done before tuning. Good luck brotha and I'm excited to see the progression. Welcome to the 335i club!
I have e90 full set tail lights n non m sport steering wheel
Congrats man. My dad bought a 2016 q50 for 12k at the auction because it was stolen and had a missing passenger seat lol. Definitely a come up
thats a great idea bro
I got 24 giovanna chrome wheels for sale for 3600 . It’s off my Escalade . I paid 1200 for it
you can afford a really expensive cellphone, but not salvage parts for your car. Viewers help by watching your videos, it's time to sell your 330i
Hey man I’m happy for you
Hes going to be disappointed to find out that the wastegates rattle
Intro song?
Great video , re solder those wires and use heat shrink tubing They sell those at Walmart
I also bought a E92 for very cheap but it doesent seem to have the electrical problems you have thankfully since i hate wiring but their are some parts that are stopping the beautiful thing from being back on the road. First off it wasnt starting so a new starter fixed that, Now its getting too hot so it needs a water pump, After that is the eccentric shaft sensor that makes the car run like shiz, Problems after problems haha but hopefully she can be saved because if i dont do it she will most likely end up in a junkyard. Because a water pump and starter cost 2400 parts and labor installed so if i dont diy it will cost more then the value of the vehicle so by doing a diy on both it will be 500 in parts, and labor is free so i save close to 1500 thus getting the car back on the road cheap as possible without using china parts. So YAY for saving a bmw because alot of them get junked for having too many issues, If you see a bmw for sale for cheap buy it before the owner sends it to junkyard
Loving the videos! Keep up the good work bro.
Definitely a work in progress but I can’t wait to see what this car will looks like in the future after it’s complete! The N54 is awesome
Where can i find that scan reader
What’s up man, have recently started watching your videos after i got my E90. Where are you located? I’m starting out my own channel on tutorials and would be down to come help you and create some content
Why not upgrade to NBT if you already have to replace the hard parts?
10:10 how’d you break your ankle?
Probably could have the wheels hole welded up and ground flat with a side grinder.
That tube that you think air is causing check engine light. It gotta be vacuumed. Wheel can be welded with aluminum. I welded cracks