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Directed, Filmed & Edited by Seb Delanney.
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46 комментариев
Fuck them haters Seb.
Seb u watch the video already bruh the red bar is showing my nigga. God damn u dumb
Who wants to see Martini Guy having a weekend in Monaco with Seb?
It would be a classic!
Seb, haters are just under-achievers ( or non-achievers) who are incapable of getting anywhere in life and are jealous of other people who achieve things that are way beyond the reach of their ( non-existent) talents. Forget them, they're nobodies.
He was fair on you, Seb.
I haven't watched one of your videos for a very long time now..mainly because clickbait and not being kinda honest with your subscribers but i have to say that i have enjoyed this video and well played from your side.If you can have this attitude from now on it will be a big step on your channel.Even if you don't want to expose your private life i think that your subscribers are interested in your life so maybe they can fallow the same path! So sometime is good to open to your people!
Seb, crack on as you are mate. It’s largely driven from pure jealousy and he looks like a potato. Keep up the great content.
This guy’s video popped up on my feed but I couldn’t watch more than a few seconds because his voice was so annoying and I hate negative BS videos.
Seb why did you bother trying to defend your self , who dose he think he is ? Why explains to him ,,dose he make every penny he spends dose he have to answer to everyone where and why he spends his money why dose he not go away slowly
18 minutes of my life wasted
you know what? after watching this, I think you're a pretty sound guy, Seb.
In fairness I saw this video when he first posted it, and he does respect you and says you create some sick content when you put in the effort. That video was him trying to give you a kick up the balls and start making quality videos again that we all want to see and get your views back up. But with this effort — the fact we see you've already viewed the video and had to prepare yourself to pretend to react to it — clearly he needs to make a part 2.
La JALOUSIE… Continue Seb!!
You did well Seb in this video, fair play to you. Honestly it's easy to dislike someone who's born with advantages when the rest of us have to slog just to stay fed and not lose our houses. You can say it's hard work for you, but others of us work hard too and have well paying jobs but it's still not enough. You probably don't realize just how much help you've had in life because you spend time with people in similar positions to you which is the minority. For the majority of us it's hard graft every day and there is no safety net. All that said you've done nothing wrong and I thought you responded very well in this video.
No Vaseline for Seb this time 😉
Seb you don't have a punchable face he does.
He just can't get over the fact that he sat there messing about and doing nothing during school and then he probably sat around claiming benefits. Now he just looks at videos feeling sorry for himself and feels like the way to make it better is to film himself sitting around feeling sorry for himself.
WOW… Seb very mature reaction thumbs up!!!
I'm actually impressed on how Seb handled it. Well done
Very mature response Seb good on you
Can we not just watch car videos on YouTube and not pay for them but watch a single advert to aid the content creator? I don't watch every video put out by you Seb or Shmee, JWW, SOL or STG. I watch the ones I'm interested in! This whole thing about being able to act destructively on social media is so tiresome. I usually cringe at react videos but I thought this was kinda important as you said because it's about insulting people's hard work. Clickbait or not, effort goes in to making content.
How about old poor people? I could totally be the leader of the "Aged Poverty Crew" . That would be funny tho if for some reason us poor people became popular.
I like Martini Guy, but TBH I thought your response was credible so you just got a sub, I'll check it the channel for awhile, give it a chance. Martini's other videos are funny tho.
That thumbnail he used of you is hilarious, you look like a child transexual.
Bullshit you don't know JR lol
martini guy made it.
In summary he recommended people to watch you — he does the role well, the for and against. Made me come see your channel for example and also sub…. will continue to watch mate
So you have a lotus but you don’t even have a house wtf bro be smart
Skinky twink you got exposed stop crying
Funny fact. The video Seb is reacting to, has more than double the views of this one despite the channel having 30x LESS subscribers.
This kind of hater know that he only exist on the back of people… Keep doing your videos Seb, good job !
Great way to respond. This has just won me over. Love the honesty and ability to laugh at your own mistakes. Hope to see some great content in the future. Good luck with what you’re doing!
On watching the video yes you did make an X factor tribute Channel or you lied to us because in Mr JWWs How to be a youtuber Sam ( seen through glass ) states that your channel has been through various iterations and mentions the X factor thing and you agree. So what is it. Were you lying to us again or did it occur
Great come back Seb. Living in Monaco, Generva, UK what languages do you speak?
With a family of Lawers barrister people in high places. They love little boys fame comes at a price
Don't waste your time on trash like this, man. When you put yourself out there, you're going to be subject to these kinds of jealous little turds. The only Lambo that pre-pubescent pile of bollocks will ever have is the two Murcielago model cars behind him.
That hater guy just sounds bitter !!
I think your mom and dad did a fine job. Lots people are jealous of anyone who has more than them. You are lucky you have parents to help you out if you need it. Use it wisely. I am here for the cars and honestly could care less what you have or don’t. Only money I am concerned about is my own. All the best on your you tube channel. If I was your age and I was able to go to college I would be all over it. That’s me and my 2 cents.
Seb, you come across so genuine, you are awesome and a great role model for the younger generation and older! Don't change anything….but you're sharp enough to know that anyway!
my suggestion is just dont listen to the hate, and do what you love
106K view as of today…
Can we make a rule that someone from the North of England can't criticise the wealth of someone who lives South of Birmingham? #poverty
I found Seb from 19k on Twitter. I liked his content. One day I forgot about his content. He evolved. Can't say that I like this new Seb, but he's full on honest about his weaknesses and I respect that
Well played, Seb, well played.