is it true what Muslims spread around? that The Quran (Koran, the book of Islam) contains scientific knowledge that could not have been known 1400 years ago let us see and examine the truth!
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35 комментариев
So so sad … and lie survive only in fear all this years … they kill anyone who leave this cult .. scary, sad stuff very satanic .
An interesting critique of the history of Islam.
Qur'an and Science
The Story of Habil (Abel) and Qabil (Cain)
Abraham and the Child of Sacrifice—Isaac or Ishmael?
Qur'an Contradiction: Did the Jews kill prophets who brought a sacrifice devoured by fire?
Muhammad and Miracles Muhammad's Miracles Is the Qur'an Miraculous?
The blind man whom Mo 'frowned' upon influenced the Quran. A blind man reminds Muhammad and corrects the Qur'an
Muhammad supposedly had so much sex could have exposed himself to contracting and spreading a number various sexually transmitted diseases with all these women he supposedly had through his prophetic career which started at age 40 and lasted to age 63 his death.
Tafsir: Suras 113 and 114 Reexamining Satan's Influence and Control over Muhammad
Indeed the prophet was bewitched so are the followers no wonder, no one in the right mind can think. Islam is from God almighty
The Sirah gives two accounts of Mo's being cut open.—Life%20of%20Muhammad.pdf (p 72) The first goes: "Two men in white raiment came
and threw me down and opened up my belly and searched therein for I
know not what." The second: "I was suckled among the B. Sa'd b. Bakr, and while I was
with a brother of mine behind our tents shepherding the lambs, two men
in white raiment came to me with a gold basin full of snow. Then they
seized me and opened up my belly, extracted my heart and split it; then
they extracted a black drop from it and threw it away; then they washed my
heart and my belly with that snow until they had thoroughly cleaned them.
Then one said to the other, weigh him against ten of his people; they did so
and I outweighed them. Then they weighed me against a hundred and
then a thousand, and I outweighed them. He said, "Leave him alone, for
by God, if you weighed him against all his people he would outweigh
Amir's channel is called EX-MUSLIME KLÄREN AUF TV
Islam and Bestiality Exposing Some More of the Moral Problems of Islam: The Quran's Confused Stance on Sexual Ethics
Corruption of the Qur'an The Preservation of the Qur'an Preservation of the Qur'an'an
Rebuttals to Islamic Awareness: Muhammad and the Satanic Verses The Satanic Verses Satanic Verses The Satanic Verses and their implications A Muslim Scholar's Incriminating Statements on Islam Pt. 2
In Allah’s HEAVEN anything is possible. Because in Allah’s HEAVEN man(only Muslim) will be pregnant. Only Allah knows the delivery process.
So penis circle is also possible.
The Origin and Nature of the Muslim Friday Worship
Thanks CP as always no Muslim can refute or debate with you on Islam For there is no truth in it .seek God and have a personal relationship with Him its the best thing for every day life and no fear of death ..
Did Allah transform Jews into apes and pigs? An analysis of three passages in the Quran Solving a Quranic Puzzle
The Sinlessness of Jesus in Islam Muhammad the Sinner
The Quran on Muslims Entering Hell Will All Muslims Go To Hell According To The Quran?
Comparative Index to Islam: Hanif Who were the Hanifs?
"Say: Unto Allah belongeth all intercession. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. And afterward unto Him ye will be brought back." (S 39:44) Allah is supposed to be the only intercessor, so how could a jihadi intercede on behalf of his family members? But there are plenty of contradictions in Quran and Hadith. How could Allah be an intercessor? Whom does he talk to? The Effect Allah's Intercession has on Divine Unity Qur'an Contradiction: How the Islamic Doctrine of Intercession undermines Allah’s Omniscience Islam's Divine Savior Revealed
Over it are neither nineteen nor seventeen
Where is Allah Exactly?
Whoever is speaking through microphone, don't even want to show his face. I just don't know why these people don't sit with Muslim learned men and make videos? People from different faiths have written comments. These are not scholars. This video maker doesn't even know that Muslims never ask, require or run after miracles done by Prophet Muhammad. We don't need it. Quran is our miracle. If you have issue with not being able to understand the Quran, or Muhammad, sit with scholar. don't beat around bush. An Oxford Professor and farmer don't talk same way.
Hello thank u again for ur info..I wanted to know if I can contact u by email. Please let me know..bless u always brother..
Great work CP , God bless you Brother .
All this is doing my head in! I just wish I knew there truth! I know there is a god but why so many religions! How did the world come to this as from Adam and Eve days there was only one real true religion! It’s just so confusing now. Please help me god and guide me to the truth. Amen
I thought David Wood did very well when he showed the stupidity of Shabir Ali and his desperation in using mathematical concoctions as a scheme to elevate the filthy and demonic quran which Is in actuality a very poorly book.
The Youtube Account below is run by Muslim terrorists.
They threaten people post there against Islam and supporting Christanity.
Please post there and show them the truth about Jesus.
My dear Muslim brothers and sisters, please stay away from these types of videos or channels. It's not worth it. Instead, watch renounced scholars videos to learn and be a better Muslim to contribute more in society. I don't have anything against these people. They are losing their own people to our faith, thus making them angry. As I said, "comment is enough to know how intellectual a person is!" Finally, don't use bad words to these video makers and supporters. Leave them be. Not wasting time to debate doesn't mean they are right. It's about your precious time.
Really Allah knows best. And prophet Muhammad (PEE BESTOW UPON HIM ) is the 2nd best.