I once made the mistake of leaving this car sitting in the garage for ten weeks with nary a thought given to the battery. Needless to say when I went to start it, it was dead dead as a doornail dead. So I had to do some truly obscene silly things to get the front hood open and get access to the battery. Therefore, when left in the garage, plug it in with the Porsche branded battery trickle charge that sits neatly behind the drivers seat. At least in the Cayman S and probably the Boxster.
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Hi my friend. I just received my charger for my Cayman. Is it ok to leave it on the car for the winter?
My concern here is that Porsche designed the electrical cord that plugs into your lighter socket as a flat cable. This allows the door to close and the rubber seal on the bottom of the door is barely compressed by the flat cord. The exterior cable side of the trickle charger, if you look, is thick and round. Over a period of months of storage this may result in a dimple being left in your door seal and thus you will get a water leak in the rain. Thus, the charger is left outside the car. OKay?
yep…learned this the hard way.
Great to the point video! I just learned the hard way. I left my car in the garage, while I worked overseas for 6 months battery completely dead. I purchased the Porshe Batt Maintainer and bam its working great!
Mine died after being in the shop for a week for a minor bumper repair. I charged it completely overnight with my battery charger & then it worked fine. Now I throw the Porsche battery maintainer on it whenever I park it at home. Is there any difference on whether you lock the car or not? I usually leave it unlocked in the garage.
Note: If the vehicle is not started or unlocked with the remote control within five days, the remote control standby function is switched off (to prevent discharging of the vehicle battery). In other words, you may have been okay at the start of this video; you probably just hit the 5 day remote shutoff.
I like what this guy has done he is absolutely correct your battery will be dead Nice Cayman The only thing I would do differently is let my window down a little bit and run my cord thur the lowered window because you never want to pinch a cord with current going thur it not only can you damage the cord and the charging unit but you might burn your house down as well . Also if your looking for a lower priced charging unit Amazon has one called CTek its the same unit for half the price of a Porsche charging Unit that's if your car didn't come with a charger thank you for posting
You forgot to take the hand brake off and put some bricks or something behind the wheels.
Why did you adjust the seats forward?
hi there, a question : aren't you supposed to leave enough ventilation around the battery while it's charging, maybe opening the hood or something? or is it ok to leave it plugged and closed for a long time?
New to the Porsche world, but boy have I learned a TON. Owner of a triple-black 2011 Boxster S. Had two experiences with the alarm haphazardly going off (even though the alarm was engaged and the car was parked in my garage). Many months later went to start the car (after having driven it), nothing, nada, zilch. No start. After several attempts with a battery jumper connected to the positive terminal at the fuse box and the door stop, could not get the frunk to release. Off she went for a new battery. Five weeks later, same deal, no juice. What I learned from my handy-dandy Bosch service center (led by a former Penske racing engineer), is that the alarm should be engaged otherwise the car thinks it is ready to be driven with all systems in go-mode. By leaving the alarm disengaged, the car was in go-mode and therefore a brand new Bosch battery was being drained. If you happen to have a newer model year, there should be a battery tender connector cable in the battery compartment. The Bosch service center recommends the brand, Battery Tender. Apparently, no issues (ventilation) with keeping a tender plugged in for long periods of time, since once the battery is fully-charged, the tender will pulse on/off as the battery requires additional charging. Advice that I received from a 40-year Porsche racing/service veteran: do not leave the car for more than 10-days without driving. I guess Porsche really wants owners' to drive their cars.