In an unusual review of the Porsche GT4 and the Porsche GT3 I swap rides with my friend Chris to get each of our points of view from behind the wheel of opposing cars!
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44 комментария
Porsche .
Great video mate
Think a GT4 and second hand Range rover is a better offer than the GT3
Well GT3 is way better…
Enjoyed the vlog James, but, I don't feel it works as well when you share the platform with someone. Your friend was knowledgeable / articulate and comfortable in front of the camera so no fault of his. I think it has to do with the fact your vlogs give the viewer (or me) the feeling we're in the car with you and sharing your excitement. Without having to engage with someone you are free to fully express the experience and demonstrate with your driving style. I believe that to be your unique selling point when compared to other vloggers. Keep up the good work though, I'm always delighted when I see a new entry from you!
Every one with money buys thse standard cars. I would build something the factory wont like a gt4 with the gt3 or the new turbo engine in the base model 911.
Get review of great cars! Looking forward to the next RS6 video
id prefer a 911r or a gt3 rs and maybe the new 911 turbo s
………………utter cunts!! they know nothing about carts, sorry cars! They both look like fuckin virgins!!
What's the British grand ? I know pounds but I don't know how much a British grand is to $
The GT4 and the long second gear thing… This is ideal for hill climbs/corner to corner driving where you have all the revs/power on tap at a speed that isn't too slow not too fast.
One of the best car videos I've seen recently. To dissect and analyse the finer subjective sensations and feelings between two cars in this way was brilliant.
Thanks dad……
Awesome video and review. Love both cars. Let's be completely honest, as "special" as the GT4 is, let's take a slight step back and realize that it is true that the proper gear box is what defines that car, and remember that the GT4 and the 997 C2S are actually very equal in performance, size and spec. (Same engine, similar transmission, similar size, similar weight). Before one mentions that the GT4 is slightly better on the track than the 997, lets throw the Cup 2 tires on the 997 and rip the old PS2 off and then collect some data and lap times. So as "special" as the gt4 is, it really isn't anything super new to Porsche, and comparing a 997 C2s to a 991 GT3 would be a little uneven (unless taking the price into consideration).
Should do some vids on the 675lt with this guy
James is like the coolest guy ever, great cars, beard game is strong, good style and is good at dancing (referencing his birthday)
+Mr JWW I like the very candid back to back, seat of the pants behind the wheel impressions, most of don't have the means to do a comparison like this. It was very informative. Thanks Andrew from New York
Yeah well, thank's for nothing guys lol If you have the cashh!! GT3 all the way, If not then GT4 is still a great bit of kit 🙂
Mr JWW I watch all of your videos but I don't think I've ever heard your opinion on GT3 RS and GT3 vs GT3 RS
Love JWW uploads. Gt4 is one of my favourites as it's somewhat affordable in comparison to any gt3 old or new. And the MANtrans it comes with haha
Thanks for these videos pal, really enjoy your content and you seem like a top group of lads.
I think that when Porsche decide to launch a 991.2 GT3 with a manual the GT4 value will depreciate so much but the 9k redline on the GT3 is awesome
can you take all that fucking money you spend and buy a fucking microphone?
please nigga!
You say the GT3 engine is a proper motorsport engine… I thought it was just a forged tuned 911 engine no? It's not the Mezger masterpiece like in 997 GT3s. Great engine either way though, no denying that.
Great video!
good call on the handbrake. I'm a 991 GT3 owner of 2 years and I still get it wrong!!
I Wish I could have the GT3 instead…
Why everyone is complaining about Porsche hand brake? I never use the hand brake. Just put it into P and you are fine.
i cant get over the door handles. i mean how much weight can you save?
Great video! Wondering if you wish you had bought the 911 Turbo / S over the GT3 since the GT3's gear ratio is for the track and the Turbo is geared for street use. Or what was the thought process that went into choosing the GT3 over the Turbo?
don't play dumb. you knew you guys weren't talking about manual shift knobs. Guys, they were rubbing eahother's knobs. They probably got all worked up jerking each other off and went off to a local motel for a quickie, before another round of cock rubbing and making references to gear shifting
My uncle sold his 997gt3rs and changed a gt4 because of the manual and the new try of cayman's gt series
Mid engine Cayman for me any day.
Great video. Thanks for comparing. While your wrap is nice, I think it would be cool to remove it and then add the Martini stripes like Schmee! 🙂
Johnny Bravo seems down to earth for a Porsche owner.
Really liked that review format!!!
Not sure I'm in to Mr JWW seemingly dumping on his friend's Porsche because it isn't as expensive as his. Maybe it'd be better if he was comparing it to the Turbo s it'd be better. Compare to a step up. Though we know the GT4 is VERY WELL balanced this just seems a little… eh I don't have a good word but both are awesome machines.
it's amazing how on the Internet, people can talk so much shit because they've seen some videos or read something on wiki. driving your mom's civic don't make you a knowledgeable gearhead. please talk hate on GT3, GT4, blue wrap, having money and clothing ect ect on I Heart my 4dr vtec life site please. thank you. " let the butt hurt begin " whom ever start with comment like , well a GTR " wins.
Too talkative and less camera shot of cars
tune the gt4 ans destroy the GT3. but the gt3 looks a little better in my eyes.
Nice video.Just so you know — best manual shifter is Honda S2000.
Great video guys, would have liked to have had your thoughts on the balance of the cars as the mid v rear engine config is also a factor that should be considered.
So the gt3 is 20-30% better than gt4 but twice the price. Rather than saying oh the gt3 is overpriced, perhaps its more fair to say the gt4 is overspecced.
991 Gt3 and Gt4 are awesome but aa 997 GT2 would be my choice