Embarquez avec Mark Webber pour un tour sur le circuit F1 du Nürburgring (5,148 km) au volant de la Porsche 911 GT3 RS 2018 (520 ch). Plus d’infos sur : http://www.largus.fr/actualite-automobile/essai-porsche-911-gt3-rs-2018-race-sensation-9123398.html
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24 комментария
GOOD ……..8
Wouhaou précise et puissante
Par contre c'est quoi les pneus ? On dirait des slick…
I prefer a GT3 normal, without that trash straps
Mark left it in automatic mode the whole time. Awesome car!,
Clean drive
None has the dare to dislike this fantasic video. That sound + Awesome driving + Shifting!!! Its heavenly!
Why is he driving in automatic my god…
The first flying lap with one passenger was about 7 seconds faster than Christian Gebhard with tthe GTR Nismo…
le chassis couplé a la puissance est impressionnant
It's not the same chicane that the F1 used.
so smooth
Un bruit magnifique et un très beau pilotage , propre et sans bavure .
he doesn't change gear himself … let the car do it for him ^^
Mark Webber en automatique…
It must be awarded with the Car of the year 2018. Its a perfect machine. That sound… 9000 rpm of engine music.
Mark Webber and Porsche are made for each other…. Feels like he's in a Videogame!
Les trajectoires sont tendus au millimètre près !
Not wearing Helmets is wrong and dangerous, even for a Former F1 pilot!
For him it's like riding a bicycle.
Perfectly Balanced…
9000 rpm porn
This is a masterclass in how to nail the racing line, nail the apex and just be smooth as hell. Wish I could drive like that.