Tres prototips del Porsche 911 (991) GT3 aparcats a la benzinera Petrocat del Carrefour de L’Ametlla del Vallés, a la C-17 en direcció Vic.
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Tres prototips del Porsche 911 (991) GT3 aparcats a la benzinera Petrocat del Carrefour de L’Ametlla del Vallés, a la C-17 en direcció Vic.
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30 комментариев
LOVE the front bumper!
beautiful. Thanks for shooting! Looks like that last one pulls a fast/furious at 0:47 haha
hope the rumours are not true about it being pdk only
Much better looking than the previous ones. 🙂 I think
they are… But who knows Porsche is just tricking us? Maybe there will be a manual 6-speed gearbox for the GT Models only.. You and I hope so.. 🙂
NO PDK on this please!!
Looks awesome!
@ Dani Dominguez Mas
Did you take this video? Did you see if all of the prototypes were equipped with PDK or were there manual models too? (The first one was definately PDK)
This 911 looks amazing, if it had a hydraulic steering and a manual gearbox I would consider it to be the best sports car in this price range ever been built!!!
Cars look awesome!
I cap on deurien anar?
❤❤❤ >PDK< ❤❤❤
Personally I believe Porsche designs on of the most boring looking cars, but this model is actually pretty damn sexy! Still not a Porsche fan though….
You want to go fast? Well get the PDK. You want a rewarding and engaging driving experience? Get the stick
FLD brought me here
The reason they will make a PDK version is that the current GT3 and even the GT2 RS (both only manuals currently) are slower than the Turbo S with the PDK transmission. The PDK technology is superior to the manual even though the manual is more fun, so for track days the manual just might be faster and better than the stick. Oh what times we live in.
Looks pretty awesome. No surprises there really.
That's cause you were only hearing them at idle…
Gt3s are stick, but hopefully they didnt change that for the 991
I think that the people from Porsche will be devastated by your opinion and by the fact that you will not buy the car… =))
Porsche seemed to be the one of the last few companies staying true to the sport. I don't mind a PDK option, but to abandon the manual transmission would be truly disappointing.
I would really like to see them change that rear wing… it's not attractive.
Are you underwater?
is there will be a GT3RS??
Great looking…they sound weird at low idle though… lots of clicking
doesnt feel like a GT3 🙁
true sir, we all was in love with the 993, 996 and 996 was always a bit of a design fail, this one combines the new with the goods of the old times in perfect harmony — i freakin love this new design and the wing on the back looks very understatement compared to older gt3 versions. lovley car ! sad thing, in thailand i must pay 300 % import taxes makes this nearly a half million usd 🙂 does it worth it? to me every single dollar !!