The all new Peugeot 5008 after its Face Lift will be driven the 1st time by Ubi-testet. I will show you the new exterior, the new interior the specs and we drive on the german «Autobahn» with high speed.
After presenting the Peugeot 3008 & Peugeot 5008 in the end auf year 2016, Peugeot showed a complete new Design. The customers liked the new style an bought the new Peugeot 3008 & 5008 very well. Until now, these two compact SUV models are still the most sold cars from Peugeot within Germany.
Now Peugeot presents a new life circle of the Peugeot 3008 & Peugeot 5008. I will show you the complete car during this video and I’ll take you on a quick ride on the german autobahn with maximum speed of 170 km/h.
Enjoy this video and please be so kind of liking the video and feel free to subscribe the channel. Thank you 🙂
#Peugeot #Peugeot5008 #Peugeot3008 #Peugeot5008FaceLift
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21 комментарий
Hab dieses Auto letzte Woche bestellt, in genau der Farbe (celebes blau) als GT Pack, PureTech 180, Voll ausser Gepäcktrennnetz und Black Pack (passt m.E. nur gut zu helleren Farben). Lieferzeit laut Händler: ca 6 Monate.
I'm still waiting for my delivery since July can you believe it
Allahım bizede nasip eyle
L’intérieur c’est vraiment une catastrophe…
Der gefällt mir schon ziemlich gut. Peugeot baut endlich wieder schöne Autos, wo auch die Proportionen wieder stimmen.
Is there a sunroof on 5008 ??
What is this colour’s name?
Someday I’m gonna be able to afford something like this.
Hi, great video!I hope you can answer a simple question that no one seems to be shure about.
Is the default cruise control included with the EAT8 allure trim an adaptive cruisae control?? It is impossible to figure it out from the peugeot website. I understand that an adaptive cruise control with stop&go function (wich can make the car stat again if the stopis shoter than 3s) is available as optional but not for the allure trim. Can the standard cruise control bring the car to a stop?
Ah man I was hoping for a hybrid model on the new 5008 like the hybrid 4 3008, I hope they introduce a hybrid next year
Was this the allure or the allure premium model
No Panoramic sunroof on this model?
What color is ??
What couliur is this!?
let's hear the horn!!!
Im waiting for that car to launch in ASEAN Markets.~
Hallo Ubi, schönes Video. Kannst du sagen, wie der Kofferraum im Vergleich zum Rifter ist? Ist der im 5008 zumindest von der Fläche her größer oder wie sieht es da aus?
Shame about the massive gap in between the second row and boot when in 5 seat mode, things fall down the gap!
Top speed 172km
Is the power tailgate standard on allure or extra
I ordered in March 2021, devilery planned in April 2022. This is a joke.