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➜Продолжительность Hustler Undergrad $ 299,9 x30 http://bit.ly/HundergradFIVEO
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Hustler Undergrad сделает для вас следующее: очистите текущий денежный поток и кредит. Вам нужен бюджет, будь вы парнем по пути или миллионером.
#hustle #business #money
1. Настройте стратегию юридического холдинга и структуру управляющей компании, чтобы установить вас на пути к богатству.
2. Настройте немедленную стратегию TAX, чтобы вернуть деньги от дяди Сэма. $ 2000 — $ 20000 в год в зависимости от вашего дохода — ЮРИДИЧЕСКИ !!! Это не одно время поп, это год за годом, легко стоит вашего обучения.
3.Установите 5 учетных записей. Личный и корпоративный вы узнаете, как сегментировать свои деньги.
4. Настройте минимальные четыре цифры в месяц. Через классы и глубокие погружения. Нам необходимо установить прочную основу управления капиталом и финансовой дисциплины
5.Классы после 7 вечера минимум два раза в неделю с ежеквартальными перерывами. Учебный класс и последующий Q / A. 8 или более в месяц.
6. От трех до четырех предметов Everyman — это механизм Millionaire, и он будет BUMPING!
7. Группа Facebook (не запускается до 2019 года)
8. Студенческие награды и свадебное видео идут.
Вы легко сможете в 100 раз превысить то, что эти классы стоят вам (если вы выполняете) в течение жизни. Таким образом, вы можете играть в жизнь меньше, чем стоимость ОДНОГО СЕМЕСТРА в колледже.
20 комментариев
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Cool video.
Moved from Miami to Atlanta 6 months ago. Ready to move back. Thanks for the video.
Atlanta is no different that any other metropolitan city in America. The issue is people move here (in droves) thinking the streets are painted with gold and all of their issues from where they left will suddenly disappear. WRONG !! — you have to put in legitimate work and making connections are the key to living well here. Also, there are a lot of scammers from other cities who want to shame Atlanta when their scams doesn't work here. Please return from where you're from so we can have old Atlanta back.
Welcome back
Good stuff.
I was born and raised in Atl and it’s like any city….it’s all about what you make of it. Smh
Motor Sounds good
I tried to buy a few of the lofts off Peters St before I could put in a contract people were snatching them up! Ended up buying a loft off Marietta Street closer to Aquarium & Dome! Super glad I did with all the developments. Praying for Amazon now!
You downtown was DC fifteen years ago.
820 Gables in Mid-Town Atlanta was the first time it’s sad to say I actually lived in a community. Monthly mixers you got to know your neighbors which many were entrepreneurs.
2012 damn! I thought that was a 2017 or something. Looks pretty much like the new ones on the road. Minor differences. So would you suggest I go with a 2015 328i or a 2014 / 4 series.
Museum field trip plz
Dude your low on your prices for rent. Midtown one bedroom apartments are at least $2100/month
Thanks for the drive through the ATL
The southern part of downtown from underground south minus the Govt buildings have all been sold to developers who are about to redevelop the entire area into residential,shops and restaurants. Also the tall hotels on Peachtree St. is downtown not midtown. Midtown starts after you crossed the expressway past the Suntrust bldg. You entered Buckhead when you crossed the expressway the second time ( the bridge with the curved white bars on either side.
Downtown Atlanta looks huge to me!
I think you were still in downtown proper at the point you noted the transition. Great video tho. Midtown and Downtown are like night and day
The type of girls you date though when passing through the neighborhoods lol good standards!
Great video! I like that you mentioned alot of these women b/c thats the type of time I'm on brotha