Today I take the Porsche 991 GT3 back to Signature Group to peel off the blue and return the Porsche to GT Silver…
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20 комментариев
whats the song at the end of the video?
Don't you end up with a lot of squeaks and rattles after reassembly?
does anybody know the song at 1:46 ?
Are you selling it to Archie?
Sad to see your beautiful gt3 go but… I can't wait for its replacement to arrive! Congratulations James and take care buddy, ciao for now!
What is the final song????
So much nicer in silver — pretty sure that last shot of the acceleration was taken when a new exhaust was fitted — but I could be wrong 🙂
can someone please tell me the song @0:42 ??
From dream car to boring in a matter of minutes. Nice.
looks so much better in silver!
Why is this so satisfying to watch?
this should've been done long ago..
seems a shame (and a huge waste of money) to wrap it then unwrap it again… your car, your $'s
Nooooo 🙁
What an unbelievable waste of time, energy and resources this is, wow, first world prattle.
James you get a few questions on your vids, wtf cant you just login and answer just a few? would make a huge impact imo
I am not so sure I would like anybody taking my car apart like that. Mind you, these guys at Signature do — at least — seem professional. I would just worry about squeaks and rattles as a result of all the unbolting and putting back together again.
Stop ghetto-izing your car. The GT3 in metallic silver is far classier than anything you can ever do in a wrap shop. Clearly you have no class or taste.