truck was running like crap and i knew it was either the plugs, the wires or the cap and rotor, being as i just replaced the distributor, cap and rotor a little over a year ago i narrowed it immediately to the wires or plugs and being that the spark plugs were almost 5 years old i figured it was time for them to go so i replaced the plugs and problem solved, this is what i did on my lunch break today sorry the video is so short but this was litterally done in under 10 minutes
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22 комментария
Smashing and quick 🙂
@zx8401ztv yeah it had to be quick i was almost late coming back from Lunch because of it all too lol thanks for watching
@delmontcrusier yeah i used to use Bosh too but i tried these on a whim and it paid off big time. HUGE difference even over those too. not so much on economy that was minimal but deffinately a huge difference in the power.
@marcelstjean yes sir just like i like it! if she's not humming smooth i'm pissed and want to know why and do something about it. GO GO CHEVY lol
@lowkeyOE normally i don't either but i am REALLY rather unorganized with my tools right now so i had to use the one at Advance this time that's how i got the code and ultimately the fix for this issue.
@cisjohn2616 i watched POWER BLOCK on spike and saw thier break down of the differrence in the plugs, they didn't give an opinion but rather just showed people how each different one sparked and the E3 was way more powerful so i tried a set and they work well.
@paradoxdesigns OMG man Champion is the worst plug you can buy, might as well have flint and steel in there for real lol wow! i don't even put champion in my lawn mowers. seriously!
why is the truck beeping at you?
@runangolee because i had the key in the ignition and the door open at the time. i kept trying to hold the door pin in while i was filming but it's a little hard to hold that pin in and the camera and try to start the truck too lol
If you have 5 year old spark plugs..
Your going to have a bad time.
nope! cleaned them up as soon as i got back home and haven't had another issue with them or the cap since thankfully. those E3 plugs are pretty awesome that way, if it were bosh , the delco plugs or pretty much any other plug than what i have you would be right though, just time for a new set but at $75.00 a set for this v8 I'm glad they don't break or burnout as fast too.
this is exactly the problem i am dealing with on my 2003 mazda protege 5. i got the code 2 weeks, replaced the plugs and the light went off, and started having trouble again today. i am just wondering what you mean by checking to see which coil is the problem. if i pull one or the other at idle it seems that both do just about the same thing.
mine wound up being cap and rotor.
Nice to see some guys are doing it for themselves. Thanks
yeah I always do. can't afford to burn up the money going to the auto repair places besides that I get out a LOT of frustrations working on cars lol
whats your flow setup?
good god take the bloody key out
NGK or nothing
no. I was talking about the exhaust
Thanks man. Same on my 2002 Impala 3.4. I got an EGR valve flow problem too.
it would be less trouble and less money if you used the factory plugs.
po300 is not cylinder 3 it's a multiple misfire meaning 2 or more cylinders po303 is cylinder 3