Last year we went to Crete, Greece 🙂 to DragTimes — Unlim500+ and it was great, so this year, we wanted to go, as well, and we did, unfortunately without the GT-R which was like… the main reason of going there… to try to go under 8 seconds…
So we left Romania with the Lambo and the Audi TT ( 800hp )
The journey was amazing as always, we love Greece, Crete is such an amazing island and the race…. the race is awesome 🙂 having the opportunity to spend time among other crazy car guys is just perfect 🙂
It was an awesome weekend, thanks for watching and don`t forget to subscribe 😀
video made by:
for: 🙂
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12 комментариев
Prea frumos Santos
ce alearga micutu' czr 🙂 (TT-ul) , felicitari!
Santos, poti sa-mi spui te rog frumos melodiile folosite?
:O evo ul de la extreme tuners si m3-ul e30 ala gri :))sunt geniale ,
The Audi TT is like a show with 100.000 audience ! Especially as it is a street car also ! Keep up the good job.
Ce timpi s-au scos si cine a luat locu 1? Vreun clasament ceva?
05:36, Powaa kicked in yo :))
S-a descurcat bine Cezar , dar cred ca Nissan GT-R a lui Yury de la Dragtimes a cam facut legea pe acolo 😀 Ams Alpha 12+ daca nu ma insel
Salut Santos, al rusilor este cel mai puternic GTR ?
Monstru ala de la 5:15 e tot al lor?
tipul ala care conducea dodge viper-ul avea oua imense la sula.