Это часть 1 и введение в мой новейший автомобиль-спасатель, 2006 BMW E90 330xi. Я выбрал эту машину от Copart в Дейтоне, штат Огайо.
В этом эпизоде я представляю свой последний проект и провожу вас по машине, показывая, насколько он хорош и что было повреждено в результате крушения. Я также говорю о том, что мои цели в восстановлении автомобилей. Подпишитесь и включите уведомления, чтобы следить за будущими эпизодами, когда я перестраиваю свой BMW 3 Series, а также заканчиваю свой первый проектный автомобиль Ford Fusion.
Если вы хотите связаться со мной, напишите мне по адресу [email protected].
Спасибо за просмотр!
Музыка: http://www.epidemicsound.com
26 комментариев
nice car but quarter panel damage is a bitch not to mention the frame good luck with it bro
Great find. Looking forward to the rebuild.
We will buy our m5, and I love the new project the price is a steal
Looks like a fun project. Looking forward to seeing how this comes along!
Great buy! Congrats & good luck with the build. Subbed:)
I really enjoy your videos. It would be great if you cover purchase price details: winning bid, Copart fees, etc. then do a wrap up when the car is finished showing all expenses and how much the car sold for. Keep em coming!
And it doesent look cheap either. +1 bud, I kinda do the same but with wood. Stop by pls, thx, show me some love.
I think you got a good deal
You will have so many subs in no time. Love the quality of your videos!
good vids . great to watch.. Darren..London UK
That thing is sick!
Great videos. I've recently started doing Copart cars on my channel as well. Lots of fun!
Can you make a detailing video on the cars ?
That is a beautiful car, good choice.
So that quarter panel damage is NOT frame damage! That is purely cosmetic. Unless there is something you cannot see without a tear down
dayton is where i shop!!! im in troy where the inspection station is 🙂
hi steven paul from the uk been watching your videos your doing a fantastic job keep up the great work its good taking this yourney with you the ford looking great doing good job and the bmw looks great also got a winner in both cars there mate looking fartward to next episode have a great day paul
1300 plus fees?
Everyone that comments sound as if you know them. Here are the facts, it's hard to sell salvage title cars let alone make a prifit. Despite what you've might of heard salvage title car SELL close to half of a clean title car. That means you've lost money on the fusion and you'll loose your ass on the BMW. I enjoy your videos like your enthusiasm ,keep it real lets talk about prices and cost of repair including inspection fees and transport cost
That is leatherette, i hope you keep it.
You may want to take the VIN to Dreyer & Reinbold and see if they can give you any history on the car. A lot of BMW nuts salivate over cars with maintenance history included. The Salvage to Rebuilt title may squash a lot of that enthusiasm, but you're doing a great job of documenting the repair so someone may bite when they see how minor the damage is.. If D&R are being their typically 'uppity' selves and do not want to help out, check the dealership in Lafayette….
I think if you plan on keeping it I think you got a great deal gorgeous looking car
Wish I lived close to you I could fix that car in about a days time you should try to fix it your selfe good luck
I love that car
That door looks like it could be repaired/patched not too bad
Nice car and a good price. Looking forward to the build now.