Catching my man cheating:
Happy Saturday! Welcome back for another video about my new car and new room decor. I also included a full workout filmed in my local gym for those of you asking for more fitness videos 🙂
All new room decor items are linked below! Everything is budget friendly & you can get other patterns & colors to fit your style!
*Discount code ‘jayjaysdeal’ gets you 10% off anything you want. You can get my same items in other colors & sizes & patterns too. Enjoy loves!
All Items shown in my video:
How I lost 25 pounds:
Womens Fat Loss Bliss Go Pack:
Pre Workout (On sale now):
Protien I use:
My video on using these products:
SNAPCHAT: JAYJAYWEEZY (Its public so feel free to snap me!)
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All macros & calories listed on every box for easy tracking.
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*Highly recommend the peanut butter & chocolate protein popcorn, holy smokes, amazinggggg!
Hey guys!! Thanks for checking out my Youtube channel 🙂 Im Jordan Cheyenne, 25 years old & a single mommy to the best loving adorable little boy. On my channel you’ll find beauty videos about affordable products & sales, home decor hauls, lifestyle & fitness videos & daily vlogs including my son. Im a very hardworking motivated person & Im always looking for new ways to be successful while living a happy fulfilled life & living in the present moment. My main goal is to be the best mom possible & raise my son to grow up being a respectful responsible loving young man. Christian is my everything & I thank God for him every single day. Please Subscribe to my channel to support us and follow us on social media if you like, links are above 🙂 Xo
[email protected]
[Not interested in joining any Youtube Networks or any China clothing website reviews]
FTC: Everything shown in this video was purchased by yours truly except some new room items shown which were gifted by Society6, huge thanks to them for supporting my channel & hooking y’all up on a discount!
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24 комментария
dont forge to subscribe
that's not a car tour wow
Love your room girl ! Especially you're bedding ! ❤️ btw I love you girl ! You are definitely one of my favorite you tubers! Love watching your videos !!!!
Dame girl ur voice is so pretty !!!!!
Have you done a What's in my Purse video? If not, I'd love to see one!
OH my gosh your room is popping!!
Nice Gainz
You are amazing Jordan. I love how you spend lots of time with your son but also manage to make time to take care of yourself. That is admirable. Muchos besos
yes! plastidip is so easy and will cost you less than $20 and a couple hours!
Did anyone else see a cage in the back of her car? Or am I going crazy
Congrats on your new car Mama! Enjoyed watching as always. Sending you a big hug! Have a lovely rest of your day sunshine!
Where does Christian go when you workout at the gym?
I just found this! Could you please make a more detailed YouTube video of your car!!! I am looking into that car too!
Yeah it doesn't come with a lock because that is the Hamilton made for the outlet stores. So…'it retails for maybe 170.
Hey girly, well done to you on your new purchase as always your son is at the forefront of your mind, as you said you need a car big enough for all Christian's things or for friend play date's. Let me tell you, you don't need to justify yourself to people about what you buy ( M.K bag is fabulous btw) it's your money and your life. It's nice of youtubers to take time out and share things/update us about products, life, d.i.y etc. Be true to yourself always. As for that little man he has come on soo much from when you first started making videos. xoxo
Yassss! I love Sociaty 6… I get a lot of cool stuff from there!
can you do a video of the inside your car???
Hey guys check out my car tour video! Make sure to like it and subscribe
she reminds me of dulce candy when she started filming
that's my moms dream carrrrf
How is the quality of society 6 duvets? I want to get one but want to make sure it will be warm enough for the winter and won't rip etc. Thanks 🙂
I just started watching your videos !! I'm so proud of you with your baby and how strong you stay as a mother I encourage you so much to keep strong !!!!! ❤️
I have that same bag and the same office chair! Love them both! xoxo
Do you still have your gmc ?